Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [verb] to a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although this refers to a Christian 's relationships with other Christians , it is legitimate to extend Paul 's principles to all human relationships .
2 Although this amounts to a transformation of theory and its object it is not clear in what sense it is an epistemological break .
3 Fifteenth-century agriculture , as we have seen ( Ch.2 ) , gave the peasantry opportunities to consolidate their holdings , and it may well be that this led to a decline in the traditional co-operative cultivation of the open-field communities , as men purchased their own draught animals and ploughs .
4 Best argues that in the early 1920s there was a conversion of land from rural to urban uses at a rate of 9,100 ha per annum , but that this increased to a level of around 21,000 ha during the 1930s .
5 Customs may argue that this amounts to a landlord 's repairing lease .
6 Pomponius is quite clear that this amounts to a condition , and the consequence of that is that the legacy does not vest and transmission is not possible until the relevant age has been reached .
7 However , there is no evidence that this leads to a delinking of spot and futures prices .
8 I think the issue as you rightly as Miss rightly put it , is the normal vacancy rate and is there any reason to suppose as the County Council must be supposing , that this shrinks to a degree .
9 Keith was impressed with the integrity of the conditions at Newark and was more than happy to come to a loan agreement .
10 The trade union officials involved in the agreements were fully aware of their two-sided nature , and some admitted to a sense of bad conscience at seeing the regular dismissal of " involuntary " temporary workers .
11 But by the early 1960s planners were being charged with an over-obsession with neatly packaged land parcels , and this came to a head with Jane Jacobs ( 1961 ) , an American journalist married to an architect , living in New York .
12 More highly educated employees were not more productive than others and this applied to a variety of employees — factory workers , white collar workers , and managers .
13 However , securing organizational change and a move to more entrepreneurial strategies demanded more than ever political skills and access to political resources , and this led to a reversion to earlier patterns with the appointment in 1985 of a chairman closely linked to the PSOE .
14 Strangely enough the rainfall and harvests in the next few years were almost supernaturally abundant , and this led to a research team being despatched to the islands by the Minor Religions faculty of Unseen University .
15 However , some clocks needed urgent repairs after water damage , and this led to a programme of conservation for all the clocks .
16 What is also of interest here , and this relates to a point Galtung makes , are the historical and social conditions which make the survey , like any method of social research for that matter , possible as instruments of data collection .
17 It all begins with the stagnation of the blood in capillaries ( tiny blood vessels ) , and this leads to a flow of blood fluids ( plasma ) through the capillary walls which separate fat-storing cells known as adipose cells .
18 They increase the level of potassium in the body and this leads to a reduction in blood pressure , say researchers at Leicester General Hospital 's University Department of Medicine For The Elderly .
19 Each student can make up a package of tests to go for ; he may repeat those that he fails , without the social disaster of being kept down a year ; and he may make up a mix of practical and theoretical according to a plan worked out with his class teacher , and bearing in mind what he aims to do next .
20 This package and another delivered to a cattery in Oxfordshire passed through Royal Mail sorting offices unnoticed .
21 Alcuin [ q.v. ] says that Offa shed much blood to secure Ecgfrith 's position , and if this refers to a purge of the royal kindred may explain why Cenwulf was so distant a relative .
22 For example , a Third World producer might win the battle to process a mineral or an industrial crop on site , but if this leads to a crisis in foreign currency because the machinery and the technology necessary for the task have to be imported , then it may eventually result in greater dependence .
23 The move to comprehensive schools in the sixties and seventies led to a broadening of the ability range facing language teachers in British schools .
24 But the great national hopes built around the figure of Hitler were now falling in ruins ; fewer and fewer looked to a future under his leadership .
25 The detail of planning legislation by and large fell to a number of able officials who had a remarkably free hand .
26 THE majority of staff find Newsline informative , interesting and useful according to a survey by the Bank 's Market Research Section .
27 For the first time children aged under 5 years ( other than those admitted for nursery education and those moving to a reception class from a nursery class in the same school ) will be included in the standard number and parents of such children will have admission appeal rights above .
28 Although they again found no difference between subjects given no pre-exposure and those exposed to a variety of flavours , interpretation of this finding is rendered equivocal by the fact that the two groups drank different amounts of the CS flavour on the conditioning trial .
29 The occupations open to a man were , by our standards , exceedingly few , and those open to a woman narrower still .
30 They are capable of divining the real thrust of a comment , and able to respond to a joke , even a joke in bad taste , in the spirit intended by the commentator .
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