Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun] ' [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 But we can not estimate so reliably how many of these will seek university places in 17 or 18 years ' time since this will be affected so much by changeable social and economic factors .
2 I hope that he and his fellow enthusiasts of today will derive as much pleasure from looking back in 50 or 60 years ' time as I do from my battered old album .
3 Did you have anything in the way of holidays erm , was there a sort of works ' holiday or any works ' outings while you were there ?
4 Take a single dose of Sulphur 30 but expect the thrush to get worse in three or four days ' time before it will get better .
5 Chief Supt Bill Hills , head of the force 's uniform operations department , will have completed more than 35 years ' service when he leaves the job .
6 Climate modelling and assessing environmental change will need more than three years ' data if it is to be enhanced .
7 Studies published in the late sixties reported that asthmatic women were more likely to have babies of less than 37 weeks ' gestation than non-asthmatic women .
8 But , with only 48 seconds separating the top nine riders overall after more than 1,000 miles ' racing as they headed out through the Birkenhead tunnel , Lillywhite and his team-mates had to be on their guard in today 's 85-mile penultimate stage to Salford Quays .
9 However , the ‘ everyday ’ , according to these texts , is a world of football , cricket , men driving cars and traditional boys ' hobbies whether the topic is statistics , measurement or velocity .
10 His memoir of those days on page 138 , sheds light on the star of Good Morning Vietnam and Dead Poets ' Society before he was claimed by fame and fortune .
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