Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [be] done [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is appropriate that this is done through the relevant Tourist Boards and their overseas joint marketing schemes .
2 In abolishing the marital rape exemption , Parliament could presumably seek an undertaking that this be done from the Attorney General who has general superintendence over the discharge of the Director 's functions .
3 The Crown alleged that this was done at the instigation of the appellant with knowledge that the money should have been delivered up to the official receiver or the trustee in bankruptcy .
4 We said in the chapter that this was done through the medium of arriving at a written-down cost or value .
5 When the king commanded deer to be taken for his use in the royal forests it was usually the warden 's responsibility to see that this was done in the proper manner .
6 The Left in the Labour Party use the House to register their protests against Right-wing members and measures , whichever party is in power , though many of them consider that once this is done on the floor of the House and the outside public has been informed of their dissent , they will support their leaders in committee and in the division lobbies .
7 Okay , I think the suggestion is , is that , that we identify er , er , homes within the east of the county and that is done by the P A G , is there any dissent from that ?
8 And that was done with the new ball .
9 Finally , the review board gives its own separate opinion to the Secretary of State who orders both the inspector 's report and the review board 's report to be published , and this is done within the same cover .
10 As salt would have been a precious commodity , all their meat had to be air-dried in order to preserve it for the winter months , and this was done by the use of cleits .
11 By burning , tearing , or otherwise destroying a will , if this is done by the testator or any person in his presence and by his direction with the intention of revolting it .
12 If this were done in the City , the IRA could simply switch their targets to prestigious offices in the provinces .
13 The date by which all supplies should have met the Directive 's standard was July 1985 , but little was done in the UK as the government hoped to negotiate a laxer standard .
14 Communication between firms is unnecessary to achieve the market equilibrium , since this is done by the firms independently thinking through the logic of the situation .
15 Whether that is done on the basis of relying on the goodwill of the people in private care or whether it is done through regulation is something that 1 ) we have to decide our preference on and 2 ) we have to lobby government quite hard on .
16 The other issue arising here is whether you take the cost of the chairs out of the asset account and show them as an expense each time a sale is made or whether this is done at the end of the month .
17 Children can be encouraged to look back at how they found particular pieces of information and to ask themselves whether this was done in the most efficient way .
18 He would be well advised to insist on a written indemnity in that respect to cover both intentional and accidental holding out , and , as regards the latter , to cover his accidentally holding himself out as a partner so long as that is done in the course of carrying out his duties for and in the interests of the firm .
19 When this was done with the GHS 1980 data , half the elderly people ( 49 per cent ) had no disability and a quarter some slight disability ( 26 per cent ) .
20 The trampling movements are intended to stimulate her milk flow and when these are done by the wool-sucking cat they reveal that it is treating the piece of woollen material as a surrogate mother .
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