Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [conj] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Single mothers and separated mothers were the next largest groups at around 20 per cent each and widows and lone fathers ( of whom two thirds are divorced or separated and almost a quarter widows ) are the smallest groups .
2 The most substantial of them farmed sufficient land to earn themselves the description of yeoman ; the poorest had merely an acre or two and perhaps the right to keep a cow and some sheep on the common .
3 If I want to talk personally with my father about something and am admitted to him , he talks for an hour about something or other and then the time of the talk is over and I have not been able to say what I had wanted to say .
4 There was no issue on which he would n't take one side or other and preferably the minority , or losing side .
5 From now on , music could be no more than tone-painting or else a stimulant for jaded nerves , where the words hardly mattered ( as was already the case in Euripidean lyrics ) .
6 With the current financial structuring of the service , even in trusts , until it is generally recognised that more than just a pen and speculum are required in gynaecological outpatient clinics the value of outpatient surgery will not be realised .
8 Two or three were just fairly old and frail and just the stress out there was getting to them and I suppose some had relatively minor but painful things , not life threatening , but just uncomfortable .
9 And now the rains had really come , so heavy and persistent that even the village rain-maker no longer claimed to be able to intervene .
10 She feels that I should take my cod and coalfish , garfish and grayling , salmon and sole and even the shark steaks , and install them in the old deep freeze in the garage .
11 Yet , at the same time , there has not , in most cases , been a sharp break between one way of life and another but rather a process involving subtle shifts in emphasis , whereby one set of relationships — kin , friends and neighbours — take on new significances in place of or in addition to older or earlier established relationships .
12 Then from her robe she took another chip , silvery and translucent and twice the size of the others .
13 A pupil at Hummersknott School , she is studying for GCSEs and hopes to go on to do A levels in politics , economics and English and eventually a degree .
14 What has to be shown he said , is that by deliberate acts the court order has been defied and broken and accordingly a contempt of court has taken place .
15 Dave is very much his own man — young and impulsive and finally the arbiter of his own convictions .
16 The Springvale Enterprise Park held out greater promise because it is mixed Catholic and Protestant and so the government might be willing to fund it .
17 And black and black and then the denim shirt .
18 Materialism is subtle and persuasive and easily the church can become trapped by it , becoming far weaker , more complacent and faint-hearted , voluntarily seduced into the ME-generation and the glorious gospel of self .
19 The Americans love their sport and are just as fervent and passionate , but they have made their stadiums comfortable and safe and also an outing for the family .
20 It peaked in the election years of 1983 and 1987 and even the collapse of optimism over the period 1978–80 was halted and temporarily reversed at the 1979 election ( The Economist , 1990 , p. 34 ) .
21 And green and deep The stream mysterious glides beneath , Green as a dream and deep as death … ‘
22 The house was well-kept and clean and even the garden looked well-kept , which her uncle said had been an awful mess before she came .
23 Mr Justice Sheil said it was sad and regrettable that both the poppy and shamrock , which were worn by both traditions with pride throughout the world and by many in Northern Ireland , were capable of being used in the prison as a means of provocation to other prisoners .
24 And then , when I put the phone down again , it resumes its full natural flow , inside my head instead of outside , as perfectly articulate and well-modulated as only a voice inside one 's head has a chance to be .
25 Even in these cases the court has a discretion to order jury trial , although it will apply a presumption in favour of trial by judge alone if satisfied that otherwise the trial would be so complicated , costly and lengthy that the administration of justice would be likely to suffer .
26 She had just stood there , scarcely able to breathe , and aware that only a hair 's breadth of control separated her from a fury that would shake her to her soul .
27 But that and then the rest of the land is is open countryside E two land .
28 Shareholders will end up with a highly leveraged vehicle — which is fine if the group is going to thrive and win its franchise , but dangerous if either the group 's stream of advertising revenue or its franchise is under threat .
29 Usual stuff — you arrange that on such-and-such a day you 'll turn up with so many people and so much luggage and he 'll transport you to the next place and when you turn up he pretends things have changed and you did n't say fifty but fifteen and anyway the price has gone up and so on and so bloody on until he gets the backhander he wants .
30 Erm that this council had a tradition of actually putting forward information in as straightforward a way as possible and indeed the attitude of the citizens ' er charter working party demonstrates that we actually put a value on this and it seems to me that there is a gap if you like , between what some people in the conservative group are doing in this context and what they 're actually doing in working parties and in committees and it comes out elsewhere as well .
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