Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [prep] [art] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The 100 consecutive patients were all Tanner stage 1 or 2 at the time of diagnosis .
2 NSAID intake was noted as either intermittent or regular at the time of the first endoscopy only .
3 The maltote too thus became a regular impost , though the commons were not prepared to grant it for more than a year or two at a time for fear of losing control over it and to prevent the king from reviving the monopolistic schemes for exploiting the producers which they had struggled against between 1336 and 1351 .
4 Most of the overwintered hives had survived , with the help of bread soaked in ale every couple of weeks , and now they were unwrapped , one or two at a time in case of a late frost , and set up in sheltered corners .
5 It includes not only the end state but also an intermediate state , which , for example , might be a year or two from the time during which the future state is being planned .
6 Only three of the whole group had worked since redundancy , and only one of those did so for more than half of the time between redundancy and interview .
7 This will do no good for Amsterdam 's tourist trade and London will be wetter than average for the time of year .
8 The population of more than 300,000 at the time of Cook 's arrival had plummeted to less than 40,000 by the end of the nineteenth century .
9 They came into the possession of my son Hilbert John Adam Verne-Smith under my uncle 's will , bypassing myself , though my son was no more than nineteen at the time of my uncle 's death .
10 It is therefore in the age of modern popular politics after 1789 , the age of movement towards democracy , that we see also the development of an opposition to democracy with a more sophisticated theoretical basis than any since the time of Plato .
11 Although correct at the time of going to press , the programme is subject to amendment .
12 Many women feel fitter and healthier during the time in which a baby is carried than at any other time and a number of tendencies towards minor illness vanish during the period .
13 One man who emerged from the tour with much credit was Alan Smith , the manager , who had been diplomacy personified during the political crisis and sensitive and supportive at the time of Barrington 's death .
14 The informants contacted during the snowball sampling procedure were aged between 18 and 32 at the time of interview .
15 He had been unemployed and depressed at the time of the theft , and had since started attending college and returned to live with his mother .
16 The air remained unnaturally hot and humid for the time of the year , and the sun shone down again from the brightening sky .
17 Not knowing the area well , and conscious of the time of year , I did a survey walk with a friend .
18 At the other extreme is the stance taken on the MoD 's continuing tenure , which insists that it is not proper that the public continue to be excluded some of the time from all , and all of the time from some , of the finest coastal scenery in the British Isles .
19 ‘ Nice and heavy for the time of year . ’
20 However , the Court of Appeal decided in Burton v Islington Health Authority [ 1992 ] 3 WLR 617 that at common law a child en ventre sa mρere and unborn at the time of the defendant 's negligence has a cause of action for injuries caused by that negligence .
21 Albújar was reported to have been alone and unarmed at the time of the attack .
22 But in the twentieth century , and particular from the time of the depression , federal spending has increased enormously .
23 The Maguire Seven were Anne Maguire and Patrick Maguire ; their sons Vincent Maguire and Patrick Joseph Maguire ( respectively 17 and 14 at the time of their sentencing ) ; Patrick 's brother-in-law Guiseppe Conlon ( Gerard Conlon 's father ) , who died in prison in 1980 ; Anne 's brother Sean Smyth ; and a family friend named Patrick O'Neill .
24 All were aged between twenty and thirty at the time of interview , and all were mothers .
25 The list is comprehensive and correct at the time of publication , but additions and deletions may occur from time to time .
26 ( For convenience planners referred to D-day , or Z-day early in the war , as the day of a landing and H-hour as the time of landing .
27 Thoughts of finding a job are out , unless on a flexible part-time basis , and most of the time between races is spent testing , hanging around garages and seeking out potential sponsors .
28 ‘ I never think about Kev 's age and most of the time with his vast experience he 's one step ahead of the strikers we face .
29 The following week James Butlin reported that she had been ‘ exceedingly foul in her linen and verminous at the time of her admission ’ .
30 What you want is to find yourself slim and attractive after a time on an easy , satisfying diet .
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