Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] her [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A clinical smell like solvent that reminded her instantly of the time in hospital when she gave birth to Sousan .
2 The rain started , a few heavy drops at first and then hissing spears of water that struck her sharply on the head , on her neck , pricking through the thin stuff of her dress .
3 It was her air of nervous tension that set her apart from the other passengers as she jumped from the train at Stowbridge , searching the platform with a fraught expression that only partially lifted when she caught sight of Melissa .
4 As a solitary horseman went by , he stepped in front of her , partially shielding her from view , then grasped her arm and propelled her swiftly across the drawbridge and into the castle in total silence .
5 It looked as if she had no life in her either , but she moaned as James carried her and laid her gently on the seat of his carriage .
6 He took her arm and led her away from the entrance .
7 She would not allow it to open up and expose her directly to the moon , and to the distant but approaching dragon .
8 Then Sylvie walked towards Katherine and pecked her lightly on the cheek .
9 Tutilo took Daalny suddenly between his hands , with grieving gentleness , and moved her aside from the doorway .
10 I released her hand and grasped her firmly by the buttocks , small but ripe .
11 Ruth asked as Fernando reached down and grasped her tightly round the wrist to haul her out of the swimming-pool .
12 Like all the maidens , in all the stories , half seduced and half petrified , she consented to Fenna 's plans and he swept her high on his great wings and bore her away over the roofs of London and higher and higher cavorting and caracolling through the star-spun night .
13 Shutting the door , he put his candle down on the nearest chair and drew her across to the glow that streamed in from the setting sun .
14 Elvis had then travelled forwards in time , locating each potential mother of the Anti-Christ and wooed her away from the Satanic father to be .
15 " Mr Gillman 's ready for you now , " she said to the older of the women , and helped her gently into the consulting room .
16 Casting an unreadable look at Isabel , the boy obeyed , taking Ellen by the arm and urging her away from the church .
17 Anger enabled her to see clearly now and drove her straight to the relevant point , eschewing futile denials .
18 I said , and looking her straight in the eye , I asked : ‘ Why is everybody picking on me ?
19 ‘ I have fished a poison-tongued mermaid from the sea , ’ he 'd grinned , straightening and gazing down at her as if inspecting her thoroughly for the first time .
20 The kiss went on forever , and she offered no resistance as he swung her up into his arms and dropped her gently on the bed , coming down with her .
21 For him it would simply have been a matter of bringing the girl along , telling my mother she was coming with them and paying her handsomely for the hardship occasioned . ’
22 Luke reached out and shook her gently by the shoulders .
23 Emmie put the tray down on the bed and shook her gently by the shoulder .
24 Then he strode forward and shook her roughly by the shoulders .
25 Her son stretched across the table and touched her gently on the wrist , his eyes pleading with her .
26 He smiled and touched her gently on the shoulder .
27 And she 'd to go to , to get her into the pony and cart and get her away to the doctor 's and get it stitched and , oh boy .
28 I took Susan 's arm and walked her away from the scene of the crime .
29 It was a timely realisation , and cured her instantly of the lingering dream state the drive had produced in her .
30 Alex put it on her finger with a sure movement , took her by both hands , and kissed her closely on the mouth .
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