Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] them into [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I mean the main thing is people can borrow on the true price of the house and then they can have an 80 or 90 per cent mortgage and when they come to pay the mortgage they have the £500 subsidy for twelve months or take them into the next twelve months .
2 Bill Mumford says you need climbing skills and it 's a challenge that takes them into a new realm … he says they are praying for dry weather … but it gets very cold … drops to minus twenty at night
3 Their new single , Family , includes all these elements and could be the one that breaks them into the big time .
4 JONATHAN Davies scored 20 points as Widnes went on a scoring spree that took them into the second round of the Lancashire Cup .
5 Light , high tensile strength fibres confer stiffness and strength to a polymer resin that binds them into a rigid three-dimensional form .
6 Although official records of dioxins date from the middle of last century , it was an explosion at an Italian chemical plant in Seveso in 1976 that catapulted them into the public arena .
7 A young man in an immaculate dark blue suit took over from the young woman who had met them at the elevator and led them into a vast room , furnished with antiques .
8 Within south Korea policy should be aimed at consolidating democratic groups and drawing them into the military administration .
9 Aptly named Swing Shift , John Frieda takes looks of the past and transforms them into the sleek , set styles of today — with a little from modern technology of course !
10 ‘ If we 're acting for the smaller firm it invariably happens , and if and when we 're acting for the larger firm we always identify the key partners in the smaller firm and bring them into the new management team , ’ Mr Llambias reveals .
11 He believes it should take the parts of our lives that are most sore , most hurtful , most unspoken , most taboo and bring them into the public sphere .
12 And after the harvester they would take in those big tramp coles and bring them into the big hay stack .
13 Where they could have taken genes from an old disease-resistant variety and inserted them into a disease-vulnerable , high-yielding new variety , the old genes can no longer be found .
14 Whereas in management I take the raw clay of inexperience , then shape and mould it into a team of teapots , Vic had an old-fashioned approach , plucking players with natural ability and building them into a cohesive unit but where no player 's unique , individual flair was stifled .
15 Cleo took the velvet poison bag and the money pouch out of her drawer , together with a handful of stockings , and stuffed them into an old leather holdall in which she 'd formerly kept a collection of limbs , torsos and heads from broken porcelain dolls .
16 I took the wad of twenties out of the bag and stuffed them into the back pocket of my jeans .
17 So because they do n't like the sound of this the other two have drawn off their magic stone and got them into the top jobs in er consortium !
18 And at once , two more leapt forward and scooped up the bleeding lumps of flesh and bone and flung them into the open furnaces .
19 The authors are able to grab paragraphs from various sources and index them into the semantic net .
20 Stage 4 : Care planning — Negotiating the most appropriate ways of achieving the objectives identified by the assessment of need and incorporating them into an individual care plan .
21 But there will be those who will grab the trends and steer them into a new direction .
22 Use a sharp scraper to lift off deposits and ladle them into an empty bucket for disposal .
23 Mandy spotted them and waved that they were all right , and Matthew turned and headed them into a safe cove , too .
24 erm as regards correlating things together and bunging them into the same factor analysis model and stuff like that er even if the questions are a bit different I think you can still do that legitimately because it 's still sort of expressing the strength of opinion on some sort of scale erm so I do n't see that that 'll er interfere with the ambitions you 've got as regards the data erm so er
25 Discussion — which develops conclusions and incorporates them into the historical pattern of evolving knowledge , perhaps offering some conjectures but avoiding speculation .
26 As I clambered into the boat , moored near her big yacht , Lucy took the bottles of beer and Coca-Cola and put them into an open net bag which she lowered over the side , tying the net with a long rope to a hook on the gunwale .
27 Where they become problematic , especially for members of marginalized cultural groups , is in what they begin to mean if we take them out of the pristine hot-house of the academy and put them into the messy struggles of day-to-day life .
28 ‘ She collected all the patients ' false teeth last night — and put them into the same bowl !
29 She scooped up the bits of spilt polystyrene in her hand and dropped them into the waste-paper basket .
30 ‘ Specially Arranged Music ’ refers to those scores where a musician , in collaboration with a choreographer , selects from the varied works of a particular composer and weaves them into a viable ballet score .
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