Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] them [adv] for the " in BNC.

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1 But he was either moody and difficult , or else in tearing spirits , playing with the children and upsetting them so that their mother would come and whip them afterwards for the noise they made .
2 In the early days , the salesman behind the counter had served to promote the merits of different products , and to wrap them carefully for the customer 's homeward journey .
3 On return to the farm in the late afternoon there was likely to be a further round of gossip and conversation while grooming the horses and bedding them down for the night .
4 The local police kindly agreed to come in on the act and a few off-duty policemen pretended to stalk the burglars and locked them up for the night at a disused police station at Ironbridge !
5 Pulling the centre-half back left a gap in midfield which needed a link man to pick up passes from defence and lay them on for the forwards .
6 But like that A lot of families had them and kept them just for the family .
7 Indeed , Mr Pocklington and his ilk would take small cannon onto a suitable lake and fire them off for the edification of the plumber partridges who came to nest in the district .
8 The figure stopped dead and saw them obviously for the first time .
9 Jinny remembered Bella 's words and understood them properly for the first time .
10 Block discounting — a finance house may buy a ‘ block ’ of debtors from a company at a discount , and follow them up for the company .
11 This compromise incorporates two tiers of tariffs which are likely to reduce marginally the price of British bananas but push them up for the Germans .
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