Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] up the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After sewing the neck shape I either overlock the shoulders or pick up the stitches on a darning needle using the same colour yarn .
2 or pick up the aesthetics of road-haulage .
3 So a female researcher is more likely to recognise , and pick up certain cues , or pick up the ways in which she 's not actually being addressed , than a male researcher necessarily .
4 He made it harder for himself , though much more valuable , by refusing to take short cuts or to mug up the subject from the textbooks : he went to the original sources .
5 Guard duty over the two women was much lighter than tree-felling in the steamy forest or sawing up the timbers into six-feet lengths , then splitting them into staves for the stockade , the master 's house , and the other habitations they were erecting in the settlement .
6 it should also be possible to discover a number of laws which can be used to assist parallelism introduction , for example by making a sequential program more amenable to it , or speeding up the behaviour of a parallel network .
7 He continues pouring from one container to another , and after lots of experience and conversation with the adults around him can begin to estimate how much he is going to need to fill the guinea pig 's water bowl or top up the vase of flowers .
8 At last , while the shadow of the ramparts reached quickly over the grass , they gathered up the debris of their afternoon and skipped or ran or walked or grumbled up the slopes to home .
9 After all , it was join him or prop up the door for a few hours .
10 Much of the government 's initiative was simply job substitution — the collection of rubbish or cleaning up the environment on the cheap using ACE workers instead of full-time employed council staff .
11 Patients find visual proprioceptive cues very useful — eg , aiming at marks or patterns on the floor , trying to kick forward the leading leg , or turning up the toes inside the shoe .
12 All yelped out in a voice that would wake the dead or summon up the devil from the deepest ring of hell .
13 The railways also produced or speeded up the development of some of the early resort towns such as Skegness , Mablethorpe , Bournemouth , Swanage and Weston-super-Mare , and certainly allowed minor villages such as Cromer to become lesser resorts and ports such as Grimsby to be developed into major exporting centres .
14 In this passage Plekhanov makes the straightforward claim that , while individuals can hasten or hold up the course of events , determined by the ‘ social needs ’ of a society , generated by its forces of production , they can not change it .
15 Now that we knew the line , we progressed quickly into the wild world of the seemingly blank walls and hanging stances that made up the meat of the route .
16 They had n't heard the scratching sounds since Daak had straightened out the protesting shuttle and lowered it serenely towards the whorled ridges that made up the top of the space station .
17 Professor Khan had been a crucial cog in the great mesh of wheels that made up the whole for the creation of an Iraqi nuclear warhead .
18 The seven communities that made up the population of Møn in those days ranged round one or other of the churches and each community made itself known to the others in a common language of bells .
19 MPS HAVE called on the government to force electricity boards to use the heat that goes up the chimneys of Britain 's power stations .
20 ‘ The one that goes up the back of Monument Hill . ’
21 Staff work together and are supportive of each other and have been involved in the decision-making process through the various ‘ teams ’ that make up the management of the school .
22 Now artistic intention can be seen more clearly as just one of many often overlapping strands — ideological , economic , social , political — that make up the work of art , whether literary text , painting , or sculpture .
23 Church & Co has been producing shoes in Northampton since 1873 and here is an excellent opportunity to see the many processes that make up the manufacture of men 's welted shoes .
24 The large size of the Faculty allows unparalleled opportunities for postgraduate study and the diversity and breadth of interest is represented by the twenty-one departments that make up the Faculty of Arts .
25 Nor is it just the lawns and bungalows and supermarkets of what was once the Canal Zone that make up the fabric of a colonialism with which several European countries have been historically familiar .
26 The Museum is on the eastern spit of one of the hundred islands that make up the city of Leningrad , and the spit links two of its six hundred and twenty bridges .
27 What are the threads that make up the pattern of your life ?
28 It is not difficult to imagine that the impact of the crash caused damage to almost all the various spindles that make up the centre-pieces of many of the sub-assemblies .
29 One or two of the few houses that make up the hamlet of San Sano were acquired and transformed by the owner with great mastery into the attractive Hotel Residence San Sano , Signor Matarazzo 's taste runs to what could be called a ‘ glorification of simplicity ’ .
30 ( a ) What the Registers contain The three registers that make up the Entries on the Register — the Property Register , the Proprietorship Register and the Charges Register — contain the whole title of the registered proprietor including entries protective of the rights and interests of third parties by registration of notices , cautions , inhibitions and restrictions .
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