Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] not [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They hardly saw each other & did not leave space for each other !
2 In 1739 ( and , later , in 1763 ) Acts were passed empowering the justices ‘ to raise and levy such able-bodied men as have not any lawfyl calling or employment … or do not make use of any lawful means for their support and maintenance , to serve as soldiers ’ .
3 I think that its , its choice that 's something we have n't sort of looked at tonight , I think its the important er factor in a fact that we 've got an audience here with a large representative er percentage of er access to a car and certainly erm I working in the transport field in West Central Scotland , er that is not the case , in Glasgow where the car ownership is something in the order of seventy per cent of the population do not have access to a car or do not have access in a household , we , you are then talking , you have to look very , very seriously at what public transport must provide in order to meet just day , day to day activities and I think that this choice aspect is something that is absolutely vital as the lady in front says .
4 Papers that did not include a control group , were not randomised , did not allow calculation of ‘ intention to treat ’ results , or did not collect information on mortality or the incidence of respiratory or gastrointestinal infection were excluded .
5 Other women did not want to adopt the ‘ unemployed ’ label associated with registering for work or did not want confirmation of their unemployed status .
6 Thus , in the present study we evaluated gastric clearance of indigestible markers , orocaecal transit time , colonic transit time , and gall bladder contraction in two groups of diabetic patients who differed as to whether they had or did not have signs of autonomic neuropathy affecting the cardiovascular system .
7 If Jones has never heard of Tolstoy or read any of his books , it is meaningless to assert that Jones either likes Tolstoy as a writer or does not like Tolstoy as a writer .
8 The listing below is interspersed with comments that do not form part of the program .
9 In such cases functional assessment methods are indispensable , and show the value of behavioural methods of working that do not assume consciousness as a fundamental human quality .
10 I am aware of journals that do not acknowledge receipt of papers submitted to them .
11 This procedure is most suitable for bills that do not raise issues on which parties automatically disagree ; to use select committee-type sittings on such a bill would be to provide further time for repetition of standard partisan arguments .
12 But what about those conflicts that do not take place within such a constituted social system , such as conflictual bourgeois societies which can not be said to be unified , except , as Sartre suggests dismissively , by appeal to a lost paradise before the class struggle ?
13 Unleaded ( minimum octane of 95 ) is for all petrol vehicles that do not need lead for ‘ valve ’ lubrication .
14 The Oriental departments offer several courses that do not require knowledge of exotic languages but do provide an opportunity for the study of the eastern civilisations , ancient and modern .
15 There are , therefore , three kinds of consent that do not impose obligations on the agent : first , where his personal situation is not affected by the consent ; second , where his personal situation is favourably affected , for the consent is a condition of his possession of a right or of some other benefit ; third , where his personal situation is adversely affected , but by waiving a right rather than by undertaking an obligation .
16 English is one of the languages that do not use tone in this way though tones or pitch differences are used for other purposes ; such languages are sometimes called intonation languages .
17 That do not shut light from your house
18 In the same way that there are now few modem savoury recipes that do not have herbs in them , and that more and more people are trying herbal remedies for aches and pains , so the uses to which herbs can be put for cosmetic and domestic purposes are being more widely explored .
19 He tried , and felt himself falling into the tree , confused , unable to find a stance that did not give way into clutching twigs and flailing branches .
20 We can explain that they come from an age when theology and the natural sciences were not divorced from one another , when God was held directly responsible for disasters we would now call ‘ natural ’ , and for which we would have scientific explanations to hand that did not mention God at all .
21 A high-rise block of flats had been clamped down on a street that did not think well of itself at the best of times .
22 Early in the year , SCS could report a record quarter for increases in sales , capital and membership , reflecting a picture of growth over the year that did not dispel fears of the adverse influence of political involvement on trade .
23 She urged nurses to question authors of all material on child protection that did not include children with disabilities .
24 Yel'tsin caused a great deal of concern in this connection by authorising a statement that Russia would not necessarily recognise existing boundaries with states that did not become members of the same political union ; this , at least implicitly , raised issues such as the status of the Crimea , transferred to the Ukraine by Khrushchev in 1954 as a political gesture .
25 The report also criticises company secretary Bruce Gray , for preparing minutes of board meetings that did not take place without checking the fact of the meetings and the decisions reached .
26 The authors argue that ‘ attempts to evaluate effectiveness have shown little or no benefit , ’ although among the references they quote are three studies that did not entail counselling in the accepted sense of the term at all , two of which produced distinctly positive results .
27 By the time that I began to work with Ahmed and Amitha , I had resolved within myself that I could n't be anything other than a Black lesbian and that was in itself its own political identity , one that did not require validation from either the women 's , gay or Black movements .
28 She will attack the Hague declaration , a French initiative signed on March 12 , this year , where 24 heads of state proposed a UN agency empowered to impose sanctions on governments that did not reduce emissions of greenhouse gases .
29 He comes from a family that does not do things by halves .
30 We aim to build a society that does not create wealth at the expense of the environment .
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