Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] by the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To the fields brought in by IPC had been added others , discovered or developed by the national oil company INOC , under new-style arrangements , notably the Brazilian discovery Majnun , prominent in the fighting near Basrah in the 1980s .
2 The essential difference here is that an arbitration award is subject to appeal to or review by the High Court .
3 These restrictive measures , sponsored by Ramsay MacDonald , which are never to be forgotten or forgiven by the Labour party , were defended as the inevitable product of the continuing economic crises of the 1930s .
4 The ideological approach to the problem of soil erosion in the international aid and academic communities can not be ‘ read off ’ or predetermined by the relative strength of direct economic interests , as there is often a degree of autonomy of these ideas from economic determinants .
5 By a respondent 's notice dated 20 February 1991 the plaintiffs gave notice of their intention to contend that the judgment should be affirmed on the additional grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) leave to appeal from the order of 4 November 1988 should have been refused ; ( 2 ) there was no ground for interfering with the judge 's finding that the first defendant was not the agent of the plaintiffs ; ( 3 ) there was no evidence that the second defendant was at any material time under the influence of or dominated by the first defendant so as to be prevented from exercising independent judgment ; ( 4 ) in so far as the first defendant repeated his over-optimistic expectations to the second defendant it was not a misrepresentation , fraudulent or otherwise ; and ( 5 ) as to whether there was manifest disadvantage , the charge was required as a condition of further increased overdraft facility to Heathrow Fabrications Ltd. , without which that company , whose success would have been of benefit to the second defendant , would have been in financial difficulties .
6 In this chapter , we intend briefly to survey some of the cultural and technological correlates of a society 's attitudes towards child upbringing generally ; and , more specifically , to examine a few of the ways in which the individual methods which parents adopt in the handling of their small children are defined or modified by the intricate pattern of cultural pressures to which they find themselves subject .
7 We mentioned earlier in this chapter that some people feel uncomfortable or trapped by the public contract of marriage , yet still allow themselves to be married .
8 £86 million of tax is paid to , or collected by the Inland Revenue in error .
9 The extra three month interval often helps as the initial model or release is nearly always modified or upgraded by the following Spring .
10 Flattered for a little while , they soon begin to feel embarrassed or threatened by the powerful nature of the feeling that surrounds them .
11 Having ‘ failed ’ to find the curriculum or examination version of the Holy Grail for themselves during the sixties and seventies ( and having exhausted themselves in the process ) the schools are , at the moment , resigned to accepting a string of panaceas from without — the YTS/TVEI initiatives are now being superseded or subsumed by the National Curriculum cure-all .
12 However , where the contribution , if any , is not sufficient to make up the difference , the Legal Aid Board has a first charge on any property , including money , recovered or preserved by the assisted party in the proceedings .
13 The charge means that the Board is entitled to recover the shortfall on its expenditure out of the property that has been recovered or preserved by the assisted party in the proceedings .
14 The study involves a survey covering both employers and employees in a sample of some 200 firms occupying premises either leased or sold by the public sector .
15 Obviously , if a company makes a new type of computer program which proves to be very successful , other companies will want to bring out their own versions of that type of program in order to gain a share in the market created or stimulated by the first program .
16 An amendment then added unless the ball has been played or touched by the other side .
17 At school , she had been considered something of a ‘ character ’ — a freak by her enemies , an eccentric by those loyal to her , or touched by the high voltage of her need .
18 Both Walter Hilton and Dame Julian insist that God is transcendent and can not be described or grasped by the human mind , but they belong more to the Western tradition than the author of The Cloud of Unknowing .
19 He offered these details for the police to confirm but was still unable to remember seeing anyone enter or leave by the rear door of the Post building .
20 William Hughes and the Unitarian William Roscoe , following Granville Sharp 's argument in the 1770s , asserted the scriptural sanction of slave trading to have only particular application ; they tried to bolster scripture as a reliable instrument of antislavery revelation by insisting that Harris ' reliance on the Old Testament had to be modified or abrogated by the New Testament .
21 Will the success that has been developed in these areas be supported or impeded by the 1988 Education Reform Act ?
22 The epidermis is penetrated at intervals by tiny pores known as stomata , which can be opened or closed by the surrounding guard cells , through which carbon dioxide enters ( and oxygen exits ) .
23 The tourist or business or conference traveller will more often than not travel on a plane manufactured by one of the few aerospace TNCs that dominate the civil airline industry , occupy a hotel room subcontracted to or owned or managed by the local affiliate of one of the few chains that dominate the global hotel industry , hire a car from an agency of one of the international firms that dominate the car rental industry , and will pay for all this with one of the credit cards issued by the few TNCs that control global personal finance .
24 ( c ) Access to records One of the guardian 's most important functions is to investigate the case and he is given a right of access to social work records compiled or held by the local authority and the NSPCC ( s42 ) .
25 The work of the Spirit can not be predicted or controlled by the religious profession !
26 Thus , the traditional grounds for identifying genuine nationalisms are either derived from the oppressive context or established by the independent State ( even if , in both cases , symbols are borrowed from the past , albeit transformed to modern purposes ) .
27 The most widely used system of nomenclature of chemical compounds is that recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry ( IUPAC ) .
28 He dropped it first , it seems , on considering sporting-dog breeds , notably greyhounds ; for these , although formed by the human artifice of selective breeding , had been given both structures and instincts useful in the wild .
29 This same attitude is shown in existing interpreter assessment procedures ; for example , that used by the American Registry of interpreters for the Deaf , where sign language is split into articulatory features such as clear fingerspelling , lip movement and appropriate facial expression , for scoring .
30 In such cases the code used in the quotation need not be that used by the original speaker : its force derives from the fact that it is different from the code of the part of the turn in which it is embedded .
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