Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] in [art] first place " in BNC.

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1 On the one hand , such action would simply rekindle the international outcry that resulted in the postponement of the ‘ harvest ’ or cull in the first place .
2 Clearly these perspectives are not restricted to teacher responses to innovations proposed by others , but can also be used to explain why particular changes are promoted or envisaged in the first place .
3 Winters are wild enough to curtail many of the outdoor pursuits that attract in the first place .
4 It 's jazz and soul as a street thing , a club thing , ’ he says , ‘ which is where both those forms of music started and thrived in the first place . ’
5 His true value would have been far more appreciated if introduced in the first place to more mature minds .
6 Initially there are eight permutations — individual peace and love of collecting stamps makes lack an introverted Boy , whereas social peace and erotic love makes what the Hippies meant by Peace and Love in the first place .
7 Advertising and public relations can try to improve or change the image of a client but this is always limited by the nature of how the reputation was built and earned in the first place and how the client will really act in the future .
8 It was n't as if I even wanted to sit down and write in the first place .
9 If these do not yield results which support the hypothesis , it may either be because the experiments were ineffectively designed , in which case the researcher will - design some more , or because the hypothesis was invalid as formulated in the first place , in which case the researcher will reformulate it , and then work out what new experiments are needed to test it .
10 We reach this conclusion in the light of the evidence that notwithstanding the rules as to dismissal for theft as applied in the first place … each case can be and is reviewed on the intervention of the security officer who … will make an appropriate recommendation where the case does not warrant dismissal . ’
11 But in order for means to be classified as means in the first place they have to be something that we can utilize .
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