Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] in [art] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I can not understand how you , who appreciate so much Russian writers of the Nineteenth Century , can combine this appreciation with a complete ignorance of the obshchestvennoe dvizhenie ( liberal movement ) that started in the time of Alexander I , was conspicuously present throughout the century ( despite absolutism ) , and was deliberately played down by the Leninists and Trotskyists for propaganda reasons .
2 Dyson then went about the task of enlisting support for the organisation , a process which was successful , as can be seen from the thirty-three signatories ( including Lord Attlee , the Bishops of Birmingham and Exeter , Isaiah Berlin , Julian Huxley , Bertrand Russell ) to the letter that appeared in The Times in March 1958 .
3 The conventional wisdom of the decade-obsessed art world sees the Basquiat show as a referendum on the 1980s , placing an artist who had been catapulted into stardom by that era 's hype under the closer scrutiny that comes in a time of greater austerity .
4 The attention of members is drawn to the decision of the Divisional Court of Appeal in the case of Rowe & Maw v Commissioners of Customs and Excise decided on 6th March , and reported in The Times of 8th March .
5 There seem in fact , however , to be two exceptions to this general rule , namely Molla Yegan , who almost certainly resigned the office , and Abdulkerim , who must either have resigned or been removed from it if the facts given in the he was appointed Mufti in the time of Mehmed II and died in the time of Bayezid II — are correct .
6 As reported in The Times on 4 April , Bush called for forces within Iraq to unseat Saddam , anticipating a military coup mounted by disaffected generals .
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