Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] the same [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Horses prefer as companions horses that have the same coat colour as themselves , and tend to avoid those that are radically different .
2 This information can be used in equation ( 3 ) to calculate the cost of equity finance : Assuming a corporation tax rate of 40 per cent , we now have all the information to use equation ( 1 ) to calculate the firm 's cost of capital : This is the appropriate cost of capital for this firm providing that it is only considering further investments that have the same risk characteristics as those previously evaluated , and that its gearing ( that is , the ratio of debt to equity ) is not expected to change in the foreseeable future .
3 This culture , and all subsequent isolates that were identified as the epidemic strain , belonged to bacteriocin type S3/P0:ribotype A , and shared the same CHEF profile .
4 Begin with the questions that are obvious to you and using the same method move on to devise questions which will tell you more complex information about the candidate .
5 All historical financial information provided in the Memorandum has been prepared from and using the same accounting policies as the financial records of the Group .
6 Now if we replace the West Overton coordinates with those of Bishops Cannings church and recalculate our slope value , and if it is the same as that between the centres and has the same starting point , then a line joining the centres will have been proved to extend through to Bishops Cannings church .
7 The 99MHz Model 755 offers similar performance and uses the same input-output system as the 735 but offers 64Mb to 768Mb RAM with up to 4Gb internal storage , supports 297Gb hard disk and two removables — either floppy , CD or DAT and has four EISA slots .
8 The text of the task is specified like that of the mail message and allows the same parameter substitutions .
9 Even in the engineering companies the role of the unions seemed to have been limited to ensuring that , in other than their temporary status , temporary workers were not disadvantaged and received the same fringe benefits ( except membership of company pension schemes ) as regular workers .
10 The Challenge XL , a rack-mounted system , is configured with up to 36 R4400 processors , delivers up to 4,000 MIPS , comes with from 128Mb to 2Gb RAM ( 16Gb from year-end ) , up to one Tb of disk , 4Tb of RAID , and includes the same connectivity options as the deskside systems .
11 ‘ He does n't do a damn thing for the good of mankind , but makes one hell of a fat living by buying cheap from one worker and selling the same thing dear to another worker .
12 Part-time students take either one or two courses a year and attend the same daytime classes as full-time students .
13 Once you realize this you can start treating it like any other interview , and apply the same ground rules .
14 Most of the major PC packages ; Lotus 1–2–3 , Microsoft Word , WordPerfect , PageMaker , dBase , etc , etc , all now have direct Macintosh equivalents that read and write the same file structures .
15 They were discovered by Sir Hugh Trumpington , who raised the alarm , but one of Montague 's men seized a mace ‘ and smote the same Hughe oppon the hevede , that the brayn burst out and felle on the Ground ’ .
16 All firms are entirely equity-financed and have the same balance sheets : assuming that there are 100,000 shares outstanding .
17 Any fixtures supplied under a grant of a lease and attached to the building are usually part of the single grant and have the same VAT treatment as the lease ( Notice 742A , para 6(b) ) .
18 The box costs £8,000 and runs the same multiprotocol routing software as its big brothers .
19 They take different routes but employ the same learning principles .
20 It is here that the polymer scientist needs to manipulate the cross-link and backbone structure , while maintaining the same water content , to limit deformation under eyelid load to around 5 per cent , with good elastic recovery .
21 Sunday , while featuring the same diesel locos as the previous day , also boasted steam traction in the form of ex G.W.R. heavy freight No.2857 .
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