Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] its [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This is so , for example , if its inclusion is not material for the purposes of giving a true and fair view or if , in effect , the parent is not able to exercise dominance over the subsidiary or holds its interest in the subsidiary exclusively with a view to resale , or the information necessary for group accounts can not be obtained without disproportionate delay or expense .
2 But it does make clear a belief that the divine being reveals or manifests its nature in the world .
3 An art historian may choose to elucidate the social context of the art , or trace its sources in the work of other artists ; these choices will be reflected in the illustrations as well as the text , while sketches , other versions of pictures and related material will be available for the reader to make comparisons .
4 notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in ( i ) and ( ii ) of this paragraph the Directors may amend the Executive Scheme to secure or maintain its approval by the Inland Revenue or to comply with or take advantage of any changes to legislation provided that such amendments do not affect the basic structure of the Executive Scheme or the limits outlined in paragraph 5 above ;
5 Most are irrevocable which means the issuing bank is unable to amend or cancel its terms without the consent of all the parties , including the exporter .
6 2.3.3 Rule 37.3 ( relationship with takeover offers ) and Rule 37.4 A company will not normally be allowed to buy-in or redeem its shares during the offer period if its board has reason to believe that a takeover offer for the company is imminent , except pursuant to a pre-existing contract ( Rule 21 ) .
7 So , if the horse rears or puts its tongue over the bit , the chances are that it has been hurt in the mouth by a rider with bad hands .
8 China refused to sign an ‘ unofficial ’ treaty , or to change its guidelines on the treatment Taiwanese investors should receive — which is more favourable than that offered many foreign investors .
9 After 1999 , Aegon will be able to inject any amount of new capital and should this be approved by the voting trust — which must be likely should it wish to generate more profits through business growth for the with-profits policyholders — then the with-profits fund must match Aegon 's injections ( which must be considered unlikely given the huge resources Aegon has access to ) or see its stake in the company diluted .
10 As the Cloud-author might say , contemplative understanding comes from nowhere and is experienced as a gift : We must not be surprised if a man does not attain the heights of contemplation or experience its sweetness at the beginning of his Christian life .
11 For most of the 1975–76 civil war , the massive stone keep of the twelfth-century Castle of St Gilles that still towers over Tripoli was occupied by a Sunni Muslim militia that made its head-quarters in the crusader banqueting hall .
12 In particular , I was waiting for the hedgehog that made its nest at the end of our garden last autumn to come back to life .
13 The bid , made in partnership with Kohlberg Kravis Roberts ( KKR ) , the group that made its name in the leveraged buy-out binge of the 1980s , enhances the deal-making reputation of Fleet/Norstar 's chairman , Terrence Murray .
14 The procession of raised rook and chicken pies , with their intricate decorations , that made its appearance in the kitchen raised their expectations as high as the pie coffins , as did the jellies vanishing into the larders , and sorbets into the refrigerators .
15 In elections to the Landtag ( provincial parliament ) in Upper Austria on Oct. 6 the extreme right Freedom Party of Austria ( FPÖ ) more than tripled its share of the vote , winning 17.7 per cent ( 5 per cent in the last Upper Austria provincial elections in 1985 — see p. 34110 ) and 11 seats ( three hitherto ) .
16 The three-tined sai is a karate weapon that has its origins on the island of Okinawa .
17 In the case of suburban-type housing , the view of domestic life it ultimately reflects is a strongly traditional one that has its origins in the early development of industrial capitalism and the ensuing ideological split between ‘ public ’ and ‘ private ’ life developed by the Victorian bourgeoisie .
18 How about a restaurant set in the vaults of a medieval monastery , lit by candles and with a menu that owes its variety to the best raw material found around the world ?
19 One is led to conclude from all this that despite some tactical ‘ victories ’ here and there , the British point of view with respect to policy in the EEC has not on the whole prevailed , any more than has its influence over the development of the institutional framework of the Community .
20 He gave the example of a two-year Community Skills course in a local college that drew its recruits from the special schools .
21 The family historian who visits such a place would find it hard to believe that it was once the home of a mere waggoner if he had not seen old photographs that show its condition before the First World War .
22 The one bird in the control treatment that opened its container in the training session did not drink the milk .
23 Each component is additionally defined — where appropriate — by attributes that specify its relationship to the human computer interface , interchange formats , portability , interfaces and communications protocols .
24 The result is a mid-engined sports racing car for the road that borrows its styling from the Pininfarina Mythos .
25 In the general election the Labour Party made sweeping gains , more than doubling its share of the seats in the Dáil at the expense of Fianna Fáil , which won its lowest number of votes since the 1920s , and Fine Gael , which suffered its worst result since 1948 .
26 The SBS was another of the ‘ private armies ’ that owed its parentage to the Commandos .
27 For a number of shopaholics , however , that price turns out to be dizzyingly high — when shopping turns from a pleasure , or an occasional treat , into an uncontrollable obsession that chomps its way through the bank account , with sometimes disastrous effects .
28 The brewery , which blends so harmoniously with its surroundings , is fed from a four acre lake that draws its water from the infant River Dickler .
29 In fact it may be a good idea to introduce a large catfish , for example , and one of the suckermouth catfish , like Hypostomus to clean up any of the uneaten food that finds its way to the bottom of the tank .
30 The West could do worse than to base its policy towards the Middle East on that aspiration .
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