Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] her [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 Detectives do not know if she was attacked somewhere else and driven to her death , or met her fate in the lovers ' lane .
2 Mrs Parkin would take quick sidelong looks at her new daughter-in-law , hoping to catch her out , but there she 'd always be , merry as a chicken , tra-la-lahing amongst the pots and pans in the kitchen , or lipsticking her lips in the frameless octagonal mirror in the parlour , or telling her rosary in front of the Virgin , apparently more devout even than Bernard , the most devout of all her sons .
3 By a notice of appeal dated 20 July 1992 the Official Solicitor appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that since the judge had found as facts that ( a ) T. had been able properly and fully to form a balanced judgment and had not been acting under undue influence but had been acting voluntarily , and ( b ) her several expressions withholding consent were valid refusals which bound the hospital , ( 1 ) he had erred in finding himself entitled to make the declaration ; ( 2 ) it had been wrong for him to assess T. 's subsequent intentions and to make assumptions as to whether she would have qualified or changed her refusal in the later circumstances ; and ( 3 ) he had erred in finding that ( a ) there was no evidence that T. had wished to refuse a blood transfusion even though it was at risk to her life , ( b ) lack of understanding of the risks involved justified acting against her expressed refusal , ( c ) her withholding of consent did not embrace the emergency which had arisen and took no account of changed circumstances , ( d ) her expressed refusals did not evince a settled intention to persist in her refusal even if injurious to her health when her best interests required a transfusion ; and ( e ) he was not satisfied that her refusal was continuing .
4 I would have loved to have stayed in her Boathouse despite the eight inch snail with head and horns buried in a roll of butter in the larder in the morning and his relatives ‘ who had a provoking way of paying nocturnal visits , and wandered between the wooden walls and the loosely fixed paper that decked the walls … ’ ; the family of mice and the ‘ sagacious hen ’ that laid her eggs in the corner of the hole in the wall designated as a cupboard .
5 There were n't any wolf-whistles but the sudden silence that greeted her appearance in the archway brought a rueful tilt to her lips as she gently raised her eyebrows until her eyes met the disconcerted ones of the team manager .
6 Naturally , Hannah had to take her place on the Baldersdale treadmill , working to the orders of her uncle in the fields ( her father died when she was an infant ) and assisting her mother in the kitchen and wash house .
7 Lindsey dropped the cards on to the desk , took a deep breath and checked her appearance in the mirror , seeing the fashionable dark tailored skirt and the short-sleeved blouse with its red epaulettes .
8 He , having lost all his money gambling or speculating in stocks , seizes such a weapon from the wall , kills her and dumps her body in the alley .
9 If she were her normal self she would be pottering happily around Simone , laughing whenever she got in her way and sticking her fingers in the food .
10 Roman brought the car to a halt in front of the flats and , without waiting for him to open her door , Claudia got out and inserted her key in the lock .
11 With sufficient work completed for her first show , Vanessa had exhausted her theme and recovered her interest in the living .
12 Not , however , when Charlotte sat opposite him in an eerily empty airport cafe and described her experiences in the United States while gazing at him with an expression implying what he most wanted to believe : that she trusted him unreservedly .
13 ‘ On the dole , more likely , ’ says Sandra , suppressing a yawn , and checking her appearance in the mirrored wall behind her mother 's back .
14 She has been moving well in home gallops and defends her record in the Gainsborough Stud Fred Darling Stakes .
15 Fifteen minutes later Lindsey shed her jacket , flicked a comb through her hair and studied her appearance in the mirror .
16 Louisa began again , but faltered when she saw Emilia close her eyes and shake her head in the little bonnet she wore .
17 She turned over and buried her head in the pillow .
18 Fiona shuddered , her voice almost a squeal as she took a series of sudden , deep in-rushing breaths , and buried her head in the hollow between Lachlan Watt 's shoulder and neck .
19 She looked round her bedroom and saw that David had left his wristwatch on her bedside table ; the scent of the citrus aftershave he used still hung in the air and when finally , in despair , she turned and buried her head in the pillow , the bed beneath her was still warm with the imprint of his body .
20 Dolly quivered all over and buried her face in the pillows to smother her shrieks of laughter .
21 The volatile combination of passion and laughter was so overwhelming that Virginia shut her eyes and tangled her fingers in the ruffled dark hair and began to drown in the exquisite taste and texture and sensation of kissing Guy and being kissed back very comprehensively in return .
22 Then she sat down beside Tug , put her elbows on the table and rested her chin in the palms of her hands .
23 Sweat beaded her face and soaked her body in the most unladylike way .
24 Al Shaati , head second on her reappearance at Carlisle , should improve for the run and open her account in the Polygon Quality Management Maiden .
25 Al Shaati , head second on her reappearance at Carlisle , should improve for the run and open her account in the Polygon Quality Management Maiden .
26 That night , she bathed and scented her body in the bath , then blow-dried her hair and applied make-up with great care .
27 Sliding into the driver 's seat , she slammed the door shut and turned her key in the ignition .
28 When she heard the shrill call , like an owl but human , she slipped out and joined her lover in the little barn beside the byre .
29 Away from it all , Skye was older and wiser : she practised a wry smile and admired her profile in the cafe window .
30 The newscaster then switched to a trivial item about a cat who 'd been rescued from the roof of the houses of Parliament , and Kathleen flicked off the set and threw her sandwich in the bin , her appetite gone .
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