Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] that [adj] [noun] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 It was concluded that the media had no business either relaying bad news about government and party policies and activities or suggesting that alternative measures might be better .
2 You do not feel inhibited because you have n't prepared adequately or fear that other people might catch you out or ridicule you .
3 To verify or disprove that therapeutic vaccines can induce an anti-HIV immune response of such a kind that it has clinical , positive consequences ; and
4 Where the UCTA controls exclusion clauses its approach is either to state that liability for the matter in question " can not be excluded or restricted by reference to any contract term " ( imposition of a total ban ) or to state that such liability can not be so excluded or restricted unless the relevant contract term " satisfies the test of reasonableness " .
5 Presumably the Soviets that argued that these protesters should n't be there in the first place and they have the right to apprehend them if , if they want to ?
6 There will always be an element of the old school that insists that proper cooking must be done using traditional methods , but increasingly , chefs , catering managers and kitchen staff in general are putting their trust in 1990s ' technology to enable them to carry out their work .
7 In June 1968 , they produced a document that announced that young Americans must accept the need for ‘ armed struggle ’ .
8 There are further areas which in time year will allow that trend to continue , I 'm aware of the fact that there will probably be in the course of the evening that suggest that greater efficiencies can be found in a variety of areas whether it be in or wherever else .
9 He proceeded to construe geography as the science that deals with systems at the uppermost levels of this environmental , or atoms-to-ecologies , hierarchy although noting that some geographers may delve into systems at a more detailed and fundamental level .
10 Paley was quite right to insist that the adaptation of each individual species to its environment was an indication of divine forethought , but it was equally important to demonstrate the existence of an underlying pattern that showed that all species could be seen as elements within a rational plan .
11 However , Dr Robert Runcie , the then Archbishop of Canterbury , claimed in the House of Lords ( 2 February , 1987 ) that ‘ there is no automatic trickling down process that ensures that increased wealth will benefit the poor . ’
12 By focusing on some of the difficulties people may encounter we do not wish to suggest that life is nothing but problems , nor to imply that these problems can not be overcome .
13 Rather than arguing that elderly people should automatically have a right to all forms of screening or other selective treatments , we should ask whether such programmes should be in Operation at all , and if the resources would not be better deployed in alternative approaches .
14 It is difficult to think of more threatening language than to say that political union must be accepted if countries wish to avoid being dominated .
15 Dropped by the one section of the establishment which supported it , and adopting policies that ensured that popular opinion would become increasingly hostile , Mosley destroyed whatever small likelihood the BUF had of becoming an effective force in British politics .
16 The committee , how ever , sensibly note the long list of exceptions to this rule and insist that pre-recorded videos should be added .
17 While accepting that officers must adapt to political reality — by , for example , being prepared when invited to attend party groups subject to certain safeguards — it rejected any move towards a ‘ spoils system ’ in local government , and recommended that principal officers should be prohibited from engaging in political activity , including standing for council office .
18 In 1896 , as a 21 year old French medical student preparing a thesis for his MD degree , Ernest Augustin Clement Duchesne unmistakably demonstrated the antibacterial action of Penicillium ( see Scientific American , November 1978 ) and recommended that further research might lead to new developments that could prove directly applicable to prophylactic hygiene and therapy .
19 The trouble is that the Scottish Education Department disagrees with both of us and insists that religious observance must not only be reinstated but also reinforced .
20 The Constitutional Court on Feb. 19 also annulled the electoral results in the North African enclave of Melilla and ruled that fresh elections should take place there within six weeks .
21 On April 16 , Banda dissolved the National Assembly and announced that legislative elections would be held in May or June .
22 Mr Van Leuween described the deportations as premature and argued that more time should have been given to establish whether the voluntary repatriation programme was working .
23 Mr Springer joined the party 25 years ago , and admitted that this era could be the most difficult he had ever lived through .
24 They have seen their work taken on by people with different motivations and agendas. and fear that such disparity must weaken both impact and cohesion of purpose .
25 Alfred Marshall , the leading economist of the last decades of the nineteenth century , provided new tools for analysing the economy and demonstrated that involuntary unemployment could occur .
26 Yes we could do so it would be a matter of judgement for the er er for the Home Secretary how far to take it and he would have to balance the likelihood of er other countries all ratifying and the inconvenience to those taking part in the election here er if er there is some uncertainty to the end and maybe having to revert to the current constituencies , er I hope and expect that these matters will be settled in the next few weeks .
27 Trading standards also keep an eye on car boot sales — and say that tighter controls would help them .
28 By 1967 memory transfer labs were back in business again , injecting a variety of brain extracts and claiming many and varied results — one group of researchers for instance trained some rats to press levers for food with their right paw and others with the left , and found that one behaviour could be transferred but not the other !
29 Mubarak appealed the same day for calm and promised that new accommodation would be provided for all homeless victims within six weeks .
30 Raoul Cedras , called for calm and promised that new elections would be held , without specifying a date .
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