Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] not [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The techniques used with normal subjects give estimates that do not closely correspond to those derived from the clinical literature .
2 Harry can not accept the fact that she has activities and commitments that do not directly relate to him , and keeps up a constant pressure on her to give up her job so that they can spend all their time together .
3 It 's almost as if it 's a completely different team , that do n't even talk to one another .
4 I I observe that the Liberal Democrats have made a complete U turn in their previous adherence to providing a steady stream of services to the people of Oxford , and by setting for a budget below the capping level you are taking out of funds available to people things that do n't necessarily have to be taken out .
5 Vidor was to confess that he had started ‘ with the definite idea ’ that he wanted ‘ to make a film that did not simply come to town to play three days or a week and then was forgotten ’ and it was always his conviction that the proper subjects for such a film would be the beauty of rural America and the fundamental decency of ordinary Americans .
6 Suppressed maternalism it may be , but her passion shines through and she can recall in detail some animals , particularly dogs , that have been dead for half a century and some that did n't even belong to her .
7 my Lord that that 's with respect right , erm certainly what , what he says that does n't necessarily lead to that conclusion all it does is have void what maybe authority between
8 Formal announcement is not expected before the autumn , and the product is planned for the first half of next year , with the prime target market seen as MS-DOS users that have not yet succumbed to the blandishments of Windows and might otherwise jump straight to NT .
9 Besides , the temperature would continue to rise over the next few decades even if greenhouse gases stayed as they are , simply because the world is so slow to warm up , and has not yet responded to what is there already .
10 On it we would have found the names of other distinguished old Summerhillians … unfortunately , Eric has been delayed at Stonehenge , and has not yet got to grips with the design .
11 We can make another baby , Herta and I. If I wept copiously both before and after , she let me do it , or try it , but I am impotent and do n't even go to the whores any more .
12 Problems usually arise because many reef species are capable of more than a little antisocial behaviour — and it is difficult to lay down precise guidelines regarding their compatibility because marine fish , like people , are individuals and do n't necessarily conform to generalised behaviour patterns .
13 What this spirit brought was a confidence that problems can be solved , and do not just have to be lived with .
14 We take particular care when approached for facilities by young people and do not normally lend to minors .
15 Those that carry the same names as overseas beers are produced under licence and do not necessarily adhere to the recipe or strength of the original .
16 They can be easily reconfigured between different product lines ( Cohen and Zysman , 1987 : ch. 9 ) and do not necessarily conform to the linear layout .
17 Er what the gov the British government would like to see is a resolution of these matters er our precise position er and attitude and er erm the assistance we can give in reaching conclusions is much more a matter er for ministers of the foreign office rather than myself so the honourable gentleman er invites me to tread in areas that do n't belong to me and do not actually belong to these orders that are before us , no they 're not , they 're not really relevant to whether we approve or not the orders that are before us , er I 'll give way in a moment but the honourable gentleman er for I believe wanted to intervene .
18 Landslips , earthquakes and faulting are not everyday occurrences in this country and do not usually have to be allowed for in settlement siting .
19 At first it looked harmless enough , and did not even seem to be coming from the mountain .
20 She was very shy , and did not often speak to anyone outside the family .
21 William Lee of the Nottinghamshire parish of Calverton had invented the basic frame in 1589 but the craft first took hold in London and did not really spread to the Midlands until after the restoration of Charles II .
22 He was a good PTI , he made PT fun and did n't just stick to PT and running — but there was no messing about either and he doubled them across the barracks to the football pitch , Where in the next half hour they worked as hard playing football as they would have done in the gymnasium .
23 So , eventually , the guy said : ‘ No , I 'm not going ’ to the teacher and the teacher turned his back on him and did n't ever speak to him again .
24 She had n't seen him in seven years and did n't really want to .
25 I thought it sounded a bit slushy and did n't really relate to it .
26 Copyright comes into force immediately on completion or publication of the work and does not normally have to be recorded or registered .
27 Outcrossing promotes diversity suited to high biotic uncertainty and does not invariably lead to specialization of species but , on the contrary , may lead to greater generalization of a species and therefore similarity between species of a tree ‘ guild ’ .
28 Cases of the latter type , where the adjective is used only to aid identification and does not actually apply to the entity of the phrase , closely resemble the great bulk of noun + noun phrases in their structural value , examples such as : ( 11 ) army manoeuvres the piano factory a sea monster an angle bracket However , even among noun + noun phrases , certain specimens occur which are clearly analogous to the former type ; as in : ( 12 ) a doctor journalist ( or doctor-journalist ) Chancellor Kohl a bed-settee These would permit an affirmative answer to our diagnostic test , although normally it is necessary to allow a little leeway in the shape of an added determiner to allow for this requirement of English : ( 13 ) Maurice is a journalist and he is also a doctor 2.3 It would be useful to have names for the two types of adjectival use , and there are fortunately two terms available which fall in the right semantic area and which have not been pre-empted for any other widely accepted technical linguistic purpose .
29 Very gradually , the secure base that the mother provided ‘ out there ’ becomes absorbed and assimilated within the young child so that she is ‘ in here ’ and does not always have to be kept in sight .
30 We are one of about three hundred Amnesty groups in the country , probably about this size , perhaps , well were , were , I mean this , this group is probably about an average for the , you know , the groups in the country , some are smaller , some are much larger , but er , usually it 's about a dozen or so people meeting once a month or , or that often in a room , erm , but apart from groups there are a l there are a great many more people who are called individual members of Amnesty about eighty thousand I think now who are , who just joined by writing to headquarters and many of those have no contact with the groups at all , we 've had list of the people in this area and they run into hundred and fifty , two hundred people who live in this area who er , who belong , who , who belong to Amnesty but do n't actually come to a group except for a small number of us .
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