Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] for [art] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some were more active than any predecessor against some particular organism , and some had special merits in use , such as working when given by mouth , or acting for a longer period than usual .
2 Use the colourings straight from the tube or bottle , or diluted for a paler shade .
3 Although the system had been modified in many villages so that the strips fell together instead of being widely separated , everybody , including squatters , had access to the common land and was able to earn some sort of a living from it , and this could be supplemented seasonally by labouring or harvesting for a bigger landowner .
4 ‘ Feeling the necessity that exists for a better regulation in the management of our profession and for a more organised system of educating and examining its practitioners , we have condensed in the annexed Petition the principal substance of our wants and to which we most humbly but most anxiously solicit your Lordship 's kind attention ’ .
5 Some of the holidays that cater for the younger element may still be slanted towards pairing people off , but those that cater for the older age groups are not .
6 Some of the holidays that cater for the younger element may still be slanted towards pairing people off , but those that cater for the older age groups are not .
7 The Prague meeting was preceded by sharp disagreements between the Soviet Union and some member states , notably Czechoslovakia , Hungary and Poland , whose representatives spoke openly about the dissolution of COMECON and pressed for a speedier implementation of currency convertibility and the right to trade individually with organizations such as the European Communities ( EC ) .
8 Optimistic views , not shared by Freud , that liberation from sexual prohibitions would eliminate neurosis and make for a healthier society have proved to be wrong .
9 LPS-specific monoclonal antibody was added in a solution of PBS containing 0.05% Tween 20 , 1% BSA and 0.05% sodium azide ( PBSB-Tween ) and incubated for a further hour at room temperature .
10 Cover and cook over a medium heat for 5min , then add the carrots and celery and cook for a further 5min .
11 Reduce the heat to gas mark 5/190&C/375&F and cook for a further 15–20min , until the quiches are set .
12 Add the sliced sausage to the pan and cook for a further 15min .
13 Add chilli and paprika and cook for a further minute .
14 Bake for 10min , then lower the temperature to gas mark 4/180&C/350&F , brush with more butter and cook for a further 30–40min , until golden brown .
15 Add the vinegar and capers and cook for a further 2–3min .
16 Bake for 15min , then reduce the heat to gas mark 5/190°C/375°F and cook for a further 10min , or until the pastry is browned and crisp .
17 Heat the oil in a large saucepan and fry the onions until they brown ; add the spices , raisins and almonds and fry for a further minute .
18 The idea that American gynaecologists have abandoned dilatation and curettage for a cheaper alternative is interesting but unfounded .
19 The use of such substances would enhance the resolution of the images by increasing the signal to noise ratio between tissue and contrast media and allow for a greater imaging frequency because of the shorter relaxation time .
20 Using exactly the same technique , I encouraged her to imagine doing just this and to practise for a further fortnight , after which she was in fact able to go to the local park and sit on a bench watching the children at play .
21 The principle upon which it operates is that the pool is split into two components : the first is referred to as ‘ common funding ’ and accounts for the greater bulk of the pool ; and the second is known as ‘ further funding ’ and comprises an element of additional financing for those institutions which have a high historic unit cost .
22 She smiled , turned course and steered for the deeper waters near the edge of the reef .
23 Please support this motion , and go for a better life for all .
24 There are lots of planting opportunities left for the season : I would like to try a little herbary , for example , and go for a bigger emphasis on autumn colour .
25 Use a sunscreen all day every day , and go for the higher factor numbers .
26 Some People do not like the puppy stage and go for an older dog or bitch .
27 If you can resist its obvious appeal , Dent can be quickly entered and left for the further reaches of the valley which , for me , has always held greater interest and excitement .
28 Your doctor would send you an appointment , but if you move or do not hear , please contact your doctor or clinic and arrange for a further smear .
29 Young physicians entering their first research post and hoping for a higher degree are vulnerable and naive .
30 The truck-sized stone Ars Gratia Artis lion on the roof mewled and leaped for a safer perch .
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