Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] it [verb] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nor has it dealt with the question of a new citizenship law , though the Solingen atrocity has revived debate about this .
2 The last five years have seen heavy investment in a fully integrated computer system that allows it to deal with a customer 's total needs in one phone call — ordering , cancelling and general enquiries .
3 There could be no other reason , and yet that did not accord with the placidity of his face and his voice , nor did it match with the image Harry was beginning to form of him .
4 Nor did it agree with the fear expressed by Lord Hewart .
5 This view was not widely held , nor does it accord with the observational data on the men 's practice while doing beat duty .
6 Nor does it deal with the historical obligation for British Rail to maintain hundreds of listed buildings .
7 Grandmother Margot 's pacemaker explodes in the crematorium oven , a minor atomic blast in a country trying to go non-nuclear ; a local urchin loses an eye in a fight at the cousin Urvill 's restored castle ( and has it replaced with an artificial one cast at the McHoans ' Gallansch glass works ) ; Rory and brother-in-law Fergus pass a nightmare night in a hill-top bothy with cannabis , whisky , a rat , two guns and one shattering revelation as props .
8 I hereby certify that I have examined and tested the following measure and found it to comply with the provisions of Schedule 4 Part II , Paragraph 4 of the above-mentioned Regulations , viz : —
9 I hereby certify that I have examined and tested the following measure and found it to comply with the provisions of Schedule 4 Part II Paragraph 4 of the above-mentioned Regulations viz :
10 Hence it was decided to select an available parser and modify it to cope with the recognition task .
11 But someone had built on a large extension to the rear and this housed the kitchen , which as Meredith was to discover , was large , modern and furbished it seemed with every kind of modern gadget .
12 Worried , Wilson confided in Mrs Browning that she feared Ellen might not have received her letter , the posts being so very variable , and was instructed to write again and have it sent with a reply paid , a system she was assured was possible if expensive .
13 Unquestionably she has brought the might of the sexist porn industry to its knees and forced it to deal with a self-supporting woman with ideals and a philosophy .
14 think twice before using your car and have it fitted with a catalytic converter
15 Wilcox lowered the bonnet and pushed it shut with the palm of his hand .
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