Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] it [prep] their [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The HMI document The Curriculum from 5 to 16 suggests that ‘ all that pupils learn should be practical , and therefore relevant , in ways which enable them to build on it or use it for their own purposes in everyday life ’ .
2 Women started to have fewer children in total , and to concentrate childbearing in early adulthood , rather than spreading it throughout their fertile years .
3 Massive May Day marches in Madrid and other cities will be one symbol that 500 years after Spain ‘ discovered ’ America , a new group of Spanish workers is discovering their own power and using it against their own government .
4 Vodafone Group Plc 's Vodata Ltd has launched a facsimile broadcast service , Vodafax Broadcast : users load information onto a personal computer or facsimile machine and send it to their unique number : information is automatically distributed to a predefined list of recipients , either immediately or at a pre-set time ; there is a £25 connection charge , a £10 monthly charge for the first distribution list and a £5 monthly charge for subsequent lists ; distribution costs from 10p to 14p per minute per recipient .
5 Married women who are claiming a repayment for the first time should fill in form R95(D) attached to leaflet IR 112 and send it to their local tax office .
6 Parts II and III are handed to the employees to take to their next employers , who will copy the details on to the P11 card , file Part II for reference and complete Part III and send it to their local inspector of taxes .
7 For each one the clerk jacked in to his unit to check their ID and match it to their personalized ticket .
8 But then , dear Lizzie , for all the money — and it was reputed to be in millions — that her late husband had left her , had never known how to dress ; nor did any of the tribe of Braithwaites sitting around her , who had clearly chosen whatever had turned out to be the most expensive and put it on their large , angular bodies just anyhow .
9 Indians have discarded the Empire ; they have clung to the language of the imperialists and shaped it in their own manner .
10 They pick and choose the best of the West and incorporate it into their living mysticism .
11 Consequently capital owners or allied groups directly tied to them should control the state in industrial society and run it in their own interests .
12 She guided his hand to her elegantly-moulded globes , and pressed it to their soft plumpness .
13 SunSoft is also shipping a multi-processing OEM kit for Solaris 2.0 , which it says will allow system manufacturers to take advantage of the symmetric multi-processing features of the kernel , such as multi-threading , and tune and verify it for their specific hardware implementations .
14 It seems that many of the communities trading with Minoan Crete caught something of the flavour of its culture , whether material or spiritual , and developed it in their own way .
15 On the contrary , it proved , beyond any doubt , that the Templars were familiar with the Atbash Cipher and employed it in their own obscure , heterodox rites .
16 To steal his knowledge and use it for their own wicked ends . ’
17 Young children often play with just one block at a time ; they may stand on it , sit on it and use it in their imaginative play as a parcel , steering wheel or tool .
18 I think they have a cheek to complain about people writing other people 's press releases when they ca n't even write their own speeches , they just take a bit of their leaders and claim it as their own .
19 The carefully designed tasks , which are a feature of all the books , challenge the practising teacher to reflect on the information in the text and apply it to their own knowledge and experience of teaching .
20 The builders move into the valley and adapt it to their own needs .
21 Most felt that the most important thing was to be making art , and making it on their own terms .
22 Not yet a month old and apparently there is concern in some quarters of the industry that Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp ( Sun Microsystems Inc to a lesser extent ) may kidnap the promised platform and twist it to their own advantage .
23 Not yet a month old and apparently there is concern in some quarters of the industry that Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp ( Sun Microsystems Inc to a lesser extent ) may kidnap the promised system and twist it to their own advantage .
24 They were the ones who f—ed over melody and did it in their own way , ’ said Bobby Schiffman of The Harlem Apollo .
25 The station had two alternatives : either to drop a popular , well-produced current affairs programme that many could pick up direct from Kaduna anyway , or to report the story and reflect it in their own news bulletins .
26 One from the LEA was about her 8-year-old son 's transfer to middle school , an event generating a great deal of paper including a list of the available schools ; another letter from the LEA explained parents ' rights of choice and appeal , also dates of open evenings ; yet another letter from the school to which he had been allocated required the parents to sign the tear-off slip and return it to their present school .
27 Bleak black branches suddenly shone with the colours of dark red buds , of shining bark , of pale dry trunks that caught the sun and held it in their sinuous heights .
28 His pupils will tell you differently — well not tell you exactly but demonstrate it in their changed lifestyle , which even their parents notice .
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