Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Women who have maintained and/or developed an extensive network of personal relationships in middle age are held to be most favourably placed in coping with the problems of old age .
2 For example , salesmen and/or engineers will be trained to sell and/or service a specific product in which they may develop technical expertise and thereby offer a better sales and after-sales service to customers ;
3 Erm but if you ca n't sleep you could put a little bit on a hankie on your pillow or rub a little bit on your chest , and it 'll help to erm make you sleep .
4 She will recognize that the client is repeating himself or demanding a particular reaction from her .
5 ‘ I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honour than that she should , in a cowardly manner , become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonour . ’
6 It is therefore unlikely that a woman could either infect a lavatory seat or bring an infectable part of her anatomy in contact with such a seat .
7 As a top physiotherapist , she is more than used to stretching and flexing the muscles of people who have tortured their frail frame , or endured a bad tackle on the football field .
8 In the previous decade WEA classes and courses were arranged on an intermittent basis at Hoddesdon , Letchworth , St. Albans , Stevenage and Welwyn Garden City but little had been possible in the organisation of interest or to sustain a social movement in the county .
9 The government also orders , or turns a blind eye to , more violent methods of keeping opponents quiet .
10 It was not possible to raise the necessary capital , or to sell or grant a long lease to developers , where the only marketable title was the life estate of the head of the family .
11 I went to the er conference that we had at Stokewatchford , which together with er , John , er my Vice Chairman er on Europe , the other week , and there is so much mythology , er , that has been dispensed by people who are half-hearted towards Europe or got a vested interest in no has not been committed to Europe , and and they use this , and in fact the classic example was , that , one of our own Lincolnshire M P's claimed that he had saved , Lincolnshire 's from the ravages of Europe .
12 His is not an isolated story — to this day many people report hearing or seeing a strange presence on the slopes of the mountain .
13 He returned to his workshop , hoping to bump into him on the way , but arrived without hearing or seeing a single trace of the forgetful scientist .
14 If you do muddle up the crowd-flow arrangements , Over-stretch the facilities or pick an unsuitable venue in the first place , you cause enormous distractions from the event and the message .
15 A small crowd had gathered in the piazza as the morning advanced and people came out to buy bread or eat a hurried breakfast in the bar before catching the bus .
16 The doubt is whether to extend this to the lower house , or introduce a French-style ballot for both houses .
17 Now available as a standard product , the wire-cut paver comes in mellow buff tones which blend well with natural stone or make a striking contrast with darker pavers .
18 does anybody remember particularly what they were given , or make a great deal about it , of a meal of it , unless you 've given them something absolutely outstanding like a fur coat , I remember the fur coat I was given in
19 At that time it had n't made up its mind whether it was going to deliver an immediate response to Sun Microsystems Inc 's Sparcstation 10 announcement — and ship systems later on in the year — or make a big splash in the Autumn with deliveries pretty much straight after .
20 that the respondent has failed to provide , or make a proper contribution towards , reasonable maintenance for any child of the family ;
21 He was not sure if he should tip-toe slowly and cautiously along until he reached the lower grounds of Old Ashfield , or make a sudden dash for it in the hope of outrunning any danger that might be waiting to pounce .
22 He longed to take away enough for breakfast or make a quick sandwich of the hors d'oeuvres for later .
23 You can either work it to be doubled over to the wrong side or make a matching strip of plain knitting as a facing .
24 Bereaved people may seem reluctant to accept invitations out , but that is often because they feel that they will be in the way or make an odd number at any gathering , and the hurt and embarrassment this creates is awful .
25 They are trained to search for the overall picture so that they can advise on overall financial policy or make an overall judgement on the truth and fairness of the accounts .
26 For example , you could create the design for a simple piece of embroidery using small sprays of pressed flowers , or make an initial design from pressed flowers that could be transferred on to squared paper and used to embroider a handkerchief Both of these ideas would make marvellous presents , and you could perhaps place the finished embroidery in a tissue-lined box that has been decorated with pressed flowers or ribbons .
27 On many occasions we have increased the sensitivity of our measurements or made a new class of observations , only to discover new phenomena that were not predicted by the existing theory , and to account for these we have had to develop a more advanced theory .
28 No member of the household has made more than two claims or made a single claim above £2,500 on home insurance in the last two years
29 And Audrey has never been on the stage , or left her husband , or made a false move in public in any direction . "
30 The culmination of abolition in 1806 and 1807 was much less marked by local committee activity and the African Institution did not expend great efforts on recreating or maintaining a national network of local groups .
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