Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pn reflx] [adv] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Very slowly and deliberately Isambard slipped his feet clear of the stirrups and leaned forward as if to swing himself out of the saddle , but in the act he jabbed home hard into the beast 's side with his right spur , and drove him not forward , but flinching sidelong into the bushes in a wild leap ; and leaning both hands on the pommel of his saddle he vaulted out of it and dropped crashing into the bushes almost on top of Owen .
2 As well take to kissing Bruce Davidson good-night , he told himself , and got himself out of the door on this thought .
3 He grasped the forestay in both hands as high up as he could reach and drew himself out of the water and on to the forward hull beam as smoothly as a dolphin breaking for air .
4 In Allen v. Jarvis ( 1869 ) L.R. 4 Ch.App. 616 a solicitor-executor drew up a bill of costs amounting to £691 and paid himself out of the testator 's assets .
5 She pulled herself back together again , and hauled herself out of the cubicle to make full use of the facilities .
6 We recall that in the notebooks Dostoevsky has Raskolnikov reflect upon his crime and declare he had to commit it to achieve moral development and get himself out of the mess he was in .
7 It 's just a race , after all — if you 're any good , you can wave your arms about while pulling a horse 's back teeth out and keep yourself out of the stewards ' room .
8 said Billy , and heaved himself out of the chair with difficulty .
9 ‘ For Christ 's sake , get out , ’ he muttered , and levering himself out of the chair , he crossed the room in a stride and climbed the open stairs three at a time .
10 Will the criminal have to climb down from the roof ( in which case he ca n't take a lot with him ) , or can he go downstairs and let himself out of the house ?
11 I suddenly screeched at her , ‘ I do n't want to know ! ’ and threw down the phone and pushed myself out of the door .
12 ‘ But I am neither so foolish , nor so quixotic — nor , I may add , is my mind and resolution of so high an order ! — as to deprive myself entirely of the opportunity to better my own lot .
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