Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pos pn] [noun pl] against the " in BNC.

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1 She reached for the little wrist and laid her fingers against the inside .
2 They tug at their hair , pulling it out at the roots , roll around the floor and bang their heads against the wall .
3 Their animals , richly caparisoned for the tourists , were munching at green piles of clover and swatting their tails against the early flies .
4 She slammed the boot down , with a cry of ‘ God Almighty ! ’ and ran indoors , where she sat down at the kitchen table and beat her fists against the wood , with anger , with frustration , with a sudden , desperate concern for Nick .
5 We took our seats and joined in , whistling and shouting and tapping our canes against the floor … .
6 ‘ Two criminal cases , involving one Soviet and one Afghan citizen who openly confessed and repented their actions against the Soviet Union , have been discontinued . ’
7 ‘ Two criminal cases , involving one Soviet and one Afghan citizen who openly confessed and repented their actions against the Soviet Union , have been discontinued . ’
8 Thousands will leave their shacks in Soweto and march on Johannesburg , massacring all before them , seizing babies and dashing their heads against the kerbstones .
9 Daniel sat on the bed and clasped his hands against the sides of his head .
10 He reached out and pressed his fingertips against the teapot .
11 In the pitch dark , he ducked his head , mounted another rung of the ladder and pressed his shoulders against the underside of the trapdoor .
12 Kirov felt it with his fingertips and rapped his knuckles against the main body of the sink unit .
13 And then he let out a call of welcome and triumph and he turned round in his cage and , raising his wings , flew up and dashed his talons against the very top of his cage and , wheeling sideways , hit against the side of Minch 's cage as well so that the Cages were filled with the sound of his joy .
14 Sighing , she sank into a chair , slipped off one shoe , and rubbed her toes against the cool marble floor .
15 He got to the final by winning the All-Wales competition sponsored by Welsh Lamb Enterprise and proved his skills against the Scottish and English finalists .
16 ‘ Something like that , ’ he said , and she fell sideways onto his lap and shut her eyes against the whirling room , her cheek stuck to the little glass circle of the monocle balanced on his chest .
17 He stroked his hands over the dark fabric and shifted his shoulders against the silky lining .
18 I 'd like to manage at the very highest level and pit my wits against the best .
19 As an organization , Stop Hinkley Expansion had initially expected to present only a handful of witnesses at the inquiry — people who would stand up on our behalf and defend their arguments against the assault of Lord Silsoe and his colleagues .
20 Richard shook his head and closed his eyes against the pain his memories brought .
21 It is alarming to hear how many relatively inexperienced pilots seem completely unaware of the risks they take when pitting their skills against the forces of nature .
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