Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pers pn] off [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Or drops her off at the beach house . ’
2 In order to get a true comparison between the firms ( and accordingly between the contributions , both capital and income generating , of their partners ) it may be necessary : ( 1 ) to revalue capital assets to a common date ; ( 2 ) to bring in the profits from the disposal of any property not required by the merged firm ; ( 3 ) to devise some means of compensation if goodwill is to be written out of account where it has previously been treated as an asset in which the partners have a share ; ( 4 ) where work in progress features in the accounts of one of the firms , to eliminate it by billing or to write it off against the capital accounts of that firm 's partners ; ( 5 ) to settle how bad debts are to be treated post-merger , either charged generally against the new firm or separately against the partners of the old firms ; ( 6 ) to write off the value of old fixtures and fittings ; ( 7 ) to revise profit and loss accounts to a common accounting date .
3 Another thing that cut me off from the other kids was going to the grammar school — and having to wear a bright green blazer every day .
4 Even in the Elizabethan and Stuart era rural communities in certain regions such as the West Riding of Yorkshire or the West Midlands had an industrial character that marked them off from the societies that have so far been described .
5 If Kelly could see her now she 'd throw up her hands in horror and drag her off to the nearest restaurant to order the biggest meal on the menu .
6 He beckoned and led them off between the Standing Stones .
7 They beat him up in the alleyway , tied his hands and led him off to the Marshalsea .
8 He put my felonious body in the stocks of his arm and led me off in the direction of what passed for a garden at Sussex , a series of brick-edged parallelograms that could n't have looked more artificial if they had been planted with cathode-ray tubes , instead of hardy perennials .
9 So you can carve up the remains and sell them off to the highest bidders ? ’
10 I draw in the markings of each Friesian heifer — they 're all unique , you see — and send them off to the breed society , then they 're registered . ’
11 Fill in the coupon on this page and send it off with the appropriate cheque
12 To apply for supplementary pension get leaflet SB 1 from the post office , fill in your name and address , sign it and send it off in the pre-paid envelope .
13 He glanced involuntarily at Jennifer Morgan who said she would make tea , which was what her mother preferred , and bore her off to the kitchen .
14 He was determined to get behind the Russians and cut them off from the east .
15 McLaren 's conviction that Branson wanted revenge , to find a way to seize control of the Pistols for good , ‘ and cut me off at the pass ’ , now became an obsession .
16 Early on the morning of the evacuation the families were preparing to embark when , in full sight of the military escort , gunmen surrounded the plane , forced the 11 men into a truck at gunpoint , and drove them off into the bush .
17 Worst of all , some tiles are inaccessible without forming a bridge with others — think on your toes and pair them off in the right order , or it 's back to the beginning .
18 Detectives also want to trace a driver who is thought to have given 3 men a lift and dropped them off in the Blisworth area on Sunday night .
19 It set off packed from top to bottom with Sheffield area anglers , fishing rods and maggots and dropped you off on the canal at Clayworth where George lived until he died about ten years ago .
20 Let's go downstairs and show it off to the others . ’
21 " But I mind , I mind very much ! " he snapped , and walked with quick , short steps back to Fernando , taking his arm and leading him off into the crowd .
22 However , when he grabbed Richard Baxter 's cloak it came away , and before he could do any more harm a couple of by-standers restrained him and hauled him off to the magistrates .
23 The band trundled back to their hotel — the infamous Chelsea Hotel — to get their best party rags on and were halfway through their quick-change when the NY police burst into their room and hauled them off to the station .
24 If you move quickly you could bag this one — jam it into the specimen bottle and whip it off to the Society for Psychical Research prontissimo !
25 Here we 're on two till six and as the old man come and pick her up and drop her off at the bingo .
26 Exasperated Pakistani officials have threatened to round up the Arabs and drop them off at the American embassy .
27 If there 's anything embedded in it like gravel or something and it does n't come away easily you must n't , it comes under the categories of what you call foreign bodies , which first aider is not at liberty to poke about , you must leave foreign bodies that do n't come away easily where they are and bandage them round and send them off to hospital or a doctor , but assuming it 's just a little clean graze , if I have n't got a tap to put it under , then I must use little bits of gauze to wash , put in a bowl of water and just wipe , yeah , and you always wipe obviously from the centre of a wound towards the outside , otherwise if you start to wipe across the whole thing you take dirt from one side of the wound across and drop it off in the middle somewhere , so you wipe from the centre out and throw that piece away and you take another piece and wipe from the centre out and so on until you feel happy , quite happy .
28 Just as the early European explorers of the North Atlantic would bring back the tusks of narwhals and pass them off as the horns of unicorns , so would the early Arabian and Indian sailors bring back the massive bones of the Cassowary as evidence of the giant " roc " of the Sinbad sagas , or the Garuda bird of Hindu mythology , which is today the symbol of Indonesia 's national airline .
29 So , why not just come quietly over to this cosy coupon in the corner , Fatty-Phil in your details and mail it off to the address at the bottom .
30 And get them off of the streets .
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