Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [noun pl] [adv] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 By having Alexander lessons an individual would be able to learn how to sit , stand or pick objects up so that they do not put so much strain on the back muscles , thus bringing instant relief to their back .
2 The adult in us is the part that thinks things through rationally and considers the consequences of our actions .
3 People do not want standards that tie companies down comprehensively or that rule out the use of judgment .
4 One consequence , however , is a prevalence of the view that sees methods as more or less atheoretical tools .
5 Some studies show that it is those in the higher socio-economic groups that use lawyers more often than those in the lower groups .
6 In practice , governments often regulate externalities such as pollution or congestion by imposing standards that affect quantities directly rather than by using the tax system to affect production and consumption indirectly .
7 An issue that the guillotine motion will not allow us to discuss does not involve improving the average standards , but the fact that those local authorities that already exceed the minimum standard and conduct inspections more frequently than once every four years will be required to lower their standards .
8 Granted the intriguing premise , one might reasonably expect some attempt to probe the morality of a privatised police force , and of a society which allows someone like Kuffs to buy and use firearms as casually as he does here , but no .
9 The skilled sportsman seems to have more time and to do things more slowly than the less skilled one .
10 That agile mind was not going to sit back and take things easy even if her body had no option but to obey the doctor 's orders .
11 Suffice it to say that whatever the Court of Appeal 's finding there are likely to be significant procedural and resource implications as far as the administration of the complaints system is concerned and these will have to be explored during the coming year .
12 The eldest child is a pioneer : it is she/he who first undertakes to make contact with the outside world , to go to school , and to make friends not only for her/himself but sometimes on behalf of younger siblings as well .
13 It is often said that children pick up and learn things much quicker than adults .
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