Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] a high [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This limits , or complicates to a high degree , the explanatory force of a psychoanalytic discourse whose terms are founded on an Oedipal moment of lack , castration and desire .
2 He suggested that the Government were engineering or conniving at a high level of unemployment .
3 Isolation groove 7 may be filled with insulation or replaced by a high resistivity region .
4 However , the bulk of LDCs have neither oil resources to export nor a diversified manufacturing base , and it is these countries that account for a high proportion of the world 's poor .
5 In some cases a relatively low rateable value more than compensated for a high rate poundage ( Blair 1988a:2 ) .
6 There was music , too , and those long shafts of light that fell from a high window , somewhere over to my right .
7 A recent investigation of moorhens is one of the first studies to show exactly what it is that makes for a high quality mate ( Science , vol 220 , p 413 ) .
8 It should be based on or at least draw from coherent bodies of knowledge which go beyond mere skill and are capable of being explicated and taught at a high level .
9 A piece of magic from Collins settled the issue when he won a tackle and looped over a high pass for Chris Higgs to race clear for the Police 's fourth try .
10 Production workers are likely to be more concerned with the task and to work in a high structure organization .
11 The following morning , Arty was taken by ambulance to the huge Victorian red-brick pile on the edge of town — a massive structure set well back in the fields and surrounded by a high wall to protect the sensibilities of the sane from too close a confrontation with one of society 's more disagreeable problems .
12 The pool was large for a private one , lying at the bottom of a vast expanse of immaculate lawn and surrounded by a high yew hedge which effectively hid it from all directions ( unless you were on a horse or a double-decker bus ) .
13 These disturbances are of course influenced by the level of nutrition , being exacerbated by a low protein intake and alleviated by a high protein diet .
14 The three bedrooms are attractive and decorated to a high standard , equipped with private bathrooms and colour TV .
15 Her face was devoid of make-up and with the hair drawn back tightly and twisted into a high roll it looked naked , a face stripped for action .
16 More than six years ago Bank of Ireland advertised for school leavers with a high level of secondary education who were intelligent , energetic , ambitious and possessing of a high level of social skills .
17 Cement for export was packed in more sturdy casks , often of oak construction with iron bands and produced to a high standard .
18 Journalists sought to divide universities into ‘ premier league ’ universities which would do research and teaching at a high level , and the others .
19 A very good-value lunch can be enjoyed here , cooked and served to a high standard by the students of the school .
20 Loopholes had already been made in the stone walls of Gemioncourt 's huge barns which , like the buildings of so many of the isolated farms in the low countries , were joined together and protected by a high stone wall , making the whole farm into a massively strong fortress .
21 The last coat is rubbed down with wet and dry paper and brought to a high gloss with a burnishing cream .
22 Fortunately there was a scientist about who had invented and brought to a high pitch of development , a time machine .
23 Hence , no matter how competitive labour and commodity markets are ( Keynes assumed perfect competition in the former and allowed for a high degree of competition in the latter ) , imbalances between the supply of and demand for labour would not be rectified through spontaneous variations in the real wage rate .
24 As one would expect , they have such common features as escape by boat , animals taken aboard , and grounding on a high peak .
25 They recognise the need to provide powerful incentives if students are to remain at school beyond 16 and graduate with a high school certificate .
26 It is of vital importance that open spaces and parklands are protected and maintained to a high standard , and that schemes such as the floral baskets , spring bulb displays , extensive tree planting are continued and expanded if Belfast is to become an increasingly attractive city for future generations .
27 A side road leaves here and climbs steeply to Dent Station , four long miles from the town it was intended to serve , and continues at a high level before descending to Garsdale Head .
28 The bartender , squat and ugly with one white eye , wore an apron and soiled shirt and sat at a high stool reading a newspaper .
29 Quando remained a little known cult band in England but aspired to a high degree of success in the New York dance floor market .
30 ( j , j' ) when expression of Krox-20 begins to be downregulated in r5 , but remains at a high level in r3. ov , Otic vesicle ; r3 , r5 rhombomeres 3 and 5 .
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