Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] [Wh det] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In open savannah , gregarious species forage in flocks from colonies or roosts from which the daily dispersal occurs .
2 A word grammatically related to a word that follows it , especially the noun or pronoun to which a relative pronoun is related .
3 A man , back from Spain , addresses her in tones that approximate to what the Independent thought was the ‘ well-educated voice ’ , and to what the Guardian thought was the ‘ assured accent ’ , transmitted by the Intelligence chief responsible for the shooting of the IRA bombers in Gibraltar which preceded the arrival of the novel .
4 When the revolutions of 1989 brought down the eastern bloc dictatorships , they swept away the façade of historical half-truths , distortions and lies on which the ruling élites grounded their legitimacy .
5 In this movement , Hegel saw the very rhythm of reality itself , both as a whole and in every part , and also the dynamics of knowledge and understanding by which the initial gulf between subject and object is bridged in genuine synthesis , the act of cognition .
6 The tone of the debate was set by Home Secretary William Whitelaw 's introductory statement in which he spoke of ( a ) the need to ‘ remove the scourge of criminal violence from our streets ’ , and ( b ) the urgency of developing ‘ policies designed to promote the mutual tolerance and understanding upon which the whole future of a free democratic society depends ’ ( Hansard , vol. 8 , 16 July 1981 : col. 1405 ) .
7 While the organism remains filled with the life force , it can counter the disintegration and decay to which the non-living world is subject .
8 Frequently the transition is managed with a back and forth movement , a re-meeting and re-parting by which the slow process of building separate lives is accomplished .
9 Wid ye jist take a keek oot o' that windae and lukk at whit the silly bitch is daein' noo !
10 What was the mischief and defect for which the common law did not provide ?
11 Since setting up UA 's London office in 1961 , George Ornstein had already launched the ‘ James Bond ’ series with Dr No ( 1962 ) , From Russia With Love ( 1963 ) and Goldfinger ( 1964 ) , establishing the world of glamour , action and intrigue in which the neo-thug Bond moved , each time taking on an evil villain bent on destroying and dominating the world , but always finding time to tryst with beautiful girls in exotic locations .
12 This is a powerful department , partly because of its responsibility for ensuring the financial health of the company but also because it controls the language and format in which the other functions draw up their expenditure plans and report progress against them .
13 WALSINGHAM became a shrine to Our Lady at a difficult time when the Turks overran the Holy Land and stopped pilgrimages to Jerusalem and Nazareth for which the English were already renowned .
14 I am sure you will agree that it is in the best interests of the traditions of our society that there should be these circumspect checks and controls on what a public authority is permitted to do to interfere in the private lives of individuals , but at the same time it does make it difficult to act promptly and , in certain cases , and this must be one of them , one can only regret the outcome . ’
15 Well Mr er Deputy Speaker I er do n't wish to er follow the honourable member of one of my er neighbours but I actually think it 's really part of grown up politics to ensure that the political opinion of a nation is adequately represented in the forums of that nation whether it be in this place or in the European er parliament and to that extent I make no bones about it that erm I wish that we were debating a different electoral system and Mr Deputy Speaker going back to the minister 's introduction erm it is a fact , I did n't wish to intervene because I did n't , it 's a short debate and I did n't want to take up er extra time , but it is a fact is it not that our electoral system unique across Europe means that our deadline as opposed to what the French are going to do is different to all the other member states .
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