Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many developing nations , with limited resources available with which to adjust or adapt to changes in climate , will have to rely on international assistance even more than they do at present .
2 The effects of slight slip or skid on stalls in turns
3 The essence of his argument was that life in general , and development in particular , could not be encompassed or explained in terms of physics and chemistry .
4 Certain things can never be blamed on or explained in terms of witchcraft .
5 One can assume that the leaders of the Revolt were eliminated , removing the upper levels of tribal society , and also that the lands and possessions of the tribes would have been seized by the state to be retained as agerpublicus , sold off to speculators or given as rewards to loyalists .
6 Whether used around the garden or filled with flowers for display , prices start at £20 .
7 Biopsy specimens were mounted on filter paper or placed in cassettes before fixation in formalin and after routine processing were sectioned at three levels and stained with haematoxylin and eosin .
8 Management consultants These may be engaged for certain specific tasks such as evaluating the bid , developing a post acquisition stategy or helping with submissions to merger control authorities .
9 But there were children with the women here and there , subdued children eating chips or drawing on pieces of paper on the floor .
10 Thus today I am equally at home with both metric systems , and can switch from ergs to joules , or dynes to newtons with ease .
11 Verderers might also be removed from office on a report by the Justice of the Forest to the Chancery that they were incapacitated by old age or sickness , or occupied with other duties , or were insufficiently qualified in that they held no land within the forest and did not dwell there , or had committed or connived at trespasses of vert or venison , or had become a paid officer of the forest , or , in one case , had ‘ entered the priestly order ’ .
12 Moreover , the lack of precision and the subtlety of the overall vision of the city development strategy , as Holford outlined , was not all that easy to articulate either , or to communicate to others with conviction ( Cherry and Penny , 1986 ) .
13 There were other dragons — gold , silver , black , white-flapping across the sun-shafted air on errands of their own or perched on outcrops of rock .
14 Consumers will have the right to hit back hard if they suspect overcharging or cheating by firms including banks , stores , BT and water companies .
15 The criminal law includes and reflects our proper stance against ‘ murderous ’ acts of terrorism conducted by people who are usually exploited or oppressed by forces of occupation .
16 Even today the older houses have gables and mullioned windows which show that they were built in the seventeenth century and some of the later cottages that were erected in rows or clustered in folds during John Hey 's lifetime retain their long ranges of upstairs windows which allowed the maximum amount of light to fall on the looms .
17 Walls and ceilings were marble faced or decorated with paintings in fresco , tempera or caustic medium .
18 The swords which had been clubbed or shortened into daggers for want of space to use them , now came into more orthodox play ; and the Welsh archers above on the hills were able to select their targets again without killing their own comrades , and worked with supercilious skill as long as there was light to slay by , and an Englishman still alive .
19 Their approaches have been included under the general category of ‘ administrative criminology ’ ( see Young , 1986 ) , or seen as varieties of control theory ( Downes and Rock , 1982 ) .
20 Little mention has been made so far of those elements of material forms which relate to each other in an ordered fashion , and which may thereby influence the manner in which they are utilized in constituting cultural patterns or acting as systems of meaning .
21 The lyrics which are found in preaching manuals like the Fasisculus Morum and Speculum Christiani or are specifically written or collected by Franciscans like James Ryman , William Herebert and John Grimestone both encapsulate essentials of the Franciscan teaching in a way calculated to catch the imagination and stir the emotions , and incorporate standard interpretations of the meaning of Scripture .
22 It is easy to see how such behaviour could originate out of necessity ( if B is bilingual , but A monolingual in L ) and be extended even to cases where both speakers are bilingual , out of a need to show solidarity or to conform to norms of politeness within the community .
23 Also , there is also , further assistance , further assistance to or support to members in addition to the extra secretary that is being established .
24 My judgment rests upon the view that the plaintiffs had quite enough compulsion upon them from the terms of the Act itself , apart altogether from anything that may have been said or done by officers of government .
25 ‘ the plaintiffs had quite enough compulsion upon them from the terms of the Act itself , apart altogether from anything that may have been said or done by officers of government .
26 Or listening for days on end while she dithered
27 However , even when legal principles are committed to one constitutional document , set out in legal codes or reiterated by judges over time , they tend to remain highly ambiguous and not worth the paper they are printed on until somebody — the judiciary — interprets and defers to them in their judgments , and somebody else — the executive — enforces those judgments .
28 But with this factory farming system , sows are confined in narrow stalls or tethered in rows by neck straps or girth straps shackled to the floor .
29 We can analyse remuneration policies between different areas , again using ADI , or look at increases by employee or group over time .
30 At the obvious root of this discord lie personal ambitions fostered or thwarted by cliques of activists from the local branches involved in the selection of candidates .
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