Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [Wh det] [is] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Bruch contrasts this fortunate majority with both the anorexic and the obese person , neither of whom knows how to gauge the state of her own stomach or assess what is a reasonable requirement of food for her own bodily needs.9 The obese person can not recognise that her stomach is full , nor the anorexic that hers is empty .
2 In years to come , when the new road has fallen into disuse and the plaque has been worn away by time , people may come here and wonder what is the hidden significance of the stones ; or maybe by then , they 'll have discovered that Stonehenge was built by some ancient farmer , commemmorating a new bypass .
3 Consider the procedure and function names below and decide which is the easier to read .
4 On a small site it is important to think about the conditions and to consider what is the best way of turning to make use of a longer run on the airfield , or to avoid having to dodge obstructions .
5 Then change the arrangement of the pile and ask what is the new number .
6 The evidence provided shows that the military are able to influence thought and action and determine what is the national interest and what is not .
7 But does what is an undoubted tendency justify Adorno 's extrapolation of a monolithic law , today or in respect of the 1930s ?
8 2.25 Various factors should be taken into account when considering what is the appropriate multiplier in any particular case .
9 Here , of course , as has been noted above , the prospects or fact of remarriage of the widower must be taken into account when considering what is the appropriate sum for the award .
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