Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv prt] on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Then lie or sit down on the nearest piece of furniture , try to keep warm and wait calmly for help to arrive .
2 Here at Club M'Diq you can either do your own thing or involve yourself in the daily and evening activities and events available for free ; you can lazy on the spacious sandy beach , or go off on the optional excursions to see something of what this colourful Moslem country has to offer .
3 Individual difficulties would be singled out for special treatment : ‘ When a passage went wrong during practice , she did n't mentally beat herself with a stick and get angry , merely went over it again , maybe more slowly or homed in on the particular difficulty that had tripped her up and worked on that . ’
4 As for cutting it away , it was obvious that to wander about on the other side of the rampart was to invite certain death .
5 I want nothing more than to walk along on the darkened plain , the moon as strong as winter sunlight in London , speaking Maa with this man .
6 The baby has gone past the sell-by date given by the hospital , but there is not a lot I can do except dig in on the front-line .
7 Looking up at the north-facing slope ahead you would see snow and ice and you would tremble , but you would know that coming down on the other side , you would walk in sunshine , through green grass and sweet-smelling flowers .
8 Again , change hands , push the tiller to where you were sitting , watch for the boom , as it swings across , straighten up and sit down on the new side .
9 A good agency interviewer will look through it and pick up on the same gaps and discrepancies which will appear to the job interviewer but will not be looking with any one particular job in mind .
10 The band failed to advise said fans , who have endured a five-year wait to see them play live in the UK , that tickets went on sale last Saturday , and sold out on the same day .
11 Our first sight of the island was a sharp mountain peak jutting through the low cloud which unfortunately spoiled our view , but in minutes we were through the cloud and touching down on the long black runway which ran parallel to the shores of the fiord .
12 The girls walked in the Rose Gardens and caught up on the past months , discussed the future .
13 The Six agreed to hold an intergovernmental committee , to be headed by the tireless Paul-Henri Spaak , which would consider , flesh out and report back on the various proposals .
14 What you have going for you is the ability to withstand whatever is dished up and to come out on the winning side .
15 As they rounded the hump and came out on the broad , gentler seaward slope they saw a uniformed policeman standing on the cliff edge , and when they joined him he pointed to the rocky shore below .
16 Then Handlebar 's cock suddenly jumped into the air , flew the distance that separated it from its rival and came down on the darker bird with its neck arched and talons open .
17 They were in their living-room , furnished with superbly anonymous taste , and looking out on the double garage and the green lawn and the spring flowers , tastefully clustered .
18 I rose from the table , went into the cell and flopped down on the hard wooden bed and was asleep almost immediately .
19 As the shadows lengthen , the men can be seen standing around with a pint of beer in hand , while mothers keep watchful eyes on the kids and catch up on the latest gossip .
20 They would expect to learn of the success of the Tay landings , and to set off on the seven miles that would take them to the central strongholds of Alba , already besieged by their fellows .
21 Once built , the nests are lined with tightly packed leaves which act as insulation and the hedgehogs are then ready to sleep the winter away , occasionally waking and wandering about on the off chance of finding a meal .
22 However , with God himself at the focus of our lives , we can rise above mere curiosity and focus in on the true purpose for reading the Bible .
23 All too often you pitch the ball short , catch the slope and finish back on the lower layer .
24 Almost by reflex , McIlvanney and I take a corner table , and open up on the safe territory of swapping recriminations about our country 's lack of respect for the trade .
25 The eggs remain in the damp sand , safe from marine predators , until they hatch out fifteen days later and swim off on the next high spring tide .
26 For hours he would sit by the window , and look out on the empty , Sunday street , as the church bells tolled dismally from different points in the town .
27 At the end of this road , walk a short way over the grassy hillside and look down on the turquoise waters of the bay ( Baia de Abra ) .
28 Gilly dragged a heavy stuffed chair backward to the shelf and climbed up on the very top of its back .
29 The times of retiring and getting up on the next morning were noted on the diary sheet and marked electronically by pushing the appropriate buttons on the recording unit .
30 Tom O'Neill came through the revolving doors on a blast of icy air and stepped out on the other side into a blanket of almost oppressive warmth .
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