Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [to-vb] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is not point arranging to play squash if you dislike the game , or vowing to go for a jog each day , if you hate running .
2 Weapon is given a wide definition under section 2 of the Canadian Criminal Code and includes ‘ anything that is designed to be used as a weapon or anything that a person uses or intends to use as a weapon , whether or not it is designed to be used as a weapon . ’
3 This was a major objective of burial societies and other forms of insurance ; irreplaceable possessions were often pawned or sold to pay for a funeral .
4 Schoolteachers , power workers , post office engineers , staff at the Royal Mint and sections of the newspaper industry were among those who either struck or worked to rule in a bid to break the pay policy .
5 With this Virtual Target Capability application code can be developed without a target , as the code can be run on the host processor or switched to run on an emulation of the target node .
6 Children often notice differences in size when they play , when , for instance , they fit themselves under a table or try to crawl through a hoop .
7 ‘ … any advertisement inviting persons to enter or offer to enter into an investment agreement or to exercise any rights conferred by an investment to acquire , dispose of , underwrite or convert an investment or containing information calculated to lead directly or indirectly to persons doing so ’ .
8 This company does not constitute an offer or invitation to persons to subscribe for or purchase any shares or other securities in any company or for persons to enter or offer to enter into an investment agreement or to exercise any rights conferred by an investment to acquire , dispose of , underwrite or convert an investment .
9 " Investment advertisement " is widely defined in s57(2) to mean any advertisement inviting persons to enter or offer to enter into an investment agreement or to exercise any rights conferred by an investment to acquire , dispose of , underwrite or convert an investment or containing information calculated to lead directly or indirectly to persons doing so .
10 The working-class wives of early eighteenth-century London earned from charring , laundry , nursing , making and mending clothes , hawking , silk-winding and in the catering and victualling services : The great majority of women were unable to work in male trades and , since nearly three quarters of women wanted to or had to work for a living , they necessarily competed intensely for the work which was left , much of it of a casual nature and none of it organised by gilds and livery companies .
11 Personal protective equipment is defined as all equipment designed to be worn or held to protect against a hazard .
12 Meanwhile , a second Iraqi ship has tried to breach the U N trade embargo imposed against Iraq : earlier today a British warship , H M S Battleaxe , fired warning shots across the bows of one vessel that failed to stop for a cargo inspection .
13 I do not see Hoffman 's hesitancies of speech , his throatbound voice that has to struggle past a colony of frogs , his eyes that crouch nervously in their sockets , as a proof of consequential ratiocination going on inside his head .
14 Concluding his telling analysis , he added : ‘ Firstly there 's a Kylie that wants to play like a kid and secondly there 's a more subtle Kylie with an appeal .
15 But here there was no statutory authority , and although there were several paths that seemed to lead to a solution , none of them went the whole way .
16 There had been a perceived increase in youthful crime in the early 1930s that seemed to correspond to an increase in youth unemployment — and again we can reflect on the familiarity of both the problem and the complaint .
17 For , in the book of Daniel ( 12:4 ) there is a prophecy that seemed to speak of a time when many would pass to and fro and knowledge would be increased .
18 True scholars that came to speak to a man before noon .
19 Rather than try to describe to a journalist the subtle but crucial distinctions between individual and group differences , these scholars describe their results in technical journals and allow merchants to sell their products quietly .
20 Fourteen trade cards issued by London undertakers during the period c.1680 to c.1760 survive , and as none indicate any other craft-affiliation it must be assumed that they were able to furnish from stock all that went to provide for a funeral .
21 In this way the object-oriented paradigm can be accommodated in a form that continues to look like a Cobol program , combining method , local data and procedure code .
22 For example , it must learn to sit , rather than straining to rush across a road .
23 The Former West German Chancellor , Mr Willy Brandt , has said that any party in East Germany that decides to run on a reunification plank is virtually assured of a runaway victory at the general elections set for next May .
24 However , assuming the properties are significant assets , a full investigation of title is to be preferred to either reliance upon a certificate from the vendor 's solicitors that the vendor has a good and marketable title ( since certificates of title are qualified and their benefit depends upon the status of the firm of solicitors providing them ) or reliance upon warranties and indemnities alone since the purchaser would rather have problems disclosed before the purchase than have to rely upon a right to sue under warranties which will be subject to general limitations .
25 There are frequent occasions in a drama session when children are divided into groups and asked to work on a task .
26 She would not come to the phone and failed to respond to a message .
27 She would not come to the phone and failed to respond to a message .
28 The Company 's hint was taken , and on 6th July the Charity Commissioners approved the new Board , which met for the first time twelve days later and agreed to advertise for a Headmaster who — after all the fuss and contrary to what may have been expected — was required to be an Anglican clergyman !
29 When they got out they were taken inside a building and made to sit on a stone floor that was gritty and unswept .
30 This constitutes a ritualistic burning of the books in which the characters were conceived ; they are thus taken out of the ‘ old world ’ of their origins and made to embark on an adventure in the ‘ new world ’ of Brooke-Rose 's novel .
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