Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [to-vb] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This relates to the situation where A sells or agrees to sell goods to B and then later sells or agrees to sell them to C. To whom do the goods belong ?
2 Cash underwritten alternatives are used where the bidder wishes to give shareholders the option to take cash , but does not have sufficient cash resources of its own or prefers to offer shares for merger accounting or merger relief purposes .
3 Agreements on conditions at work were either disregarded by employers ( for example the 1950 national agreement on dismissals ) or used to undermine links between trade union representatives and employees ( for example the 1953 National Agreement on Works Councils which made these , and not union structures , the official plant representatives for employees ) .
4 In both cases , after an additional 48 hours of culture , cells were either fixed and stained for β-galactosidase activity or harvested to prepare extracts for CAT assays ( 5 , 6 ) .
5 By section 296 of the Copyright , Designs and Patents Act , devices or means specifically designed or adapted to circumvent copy-protection of works issued to the public in electronic form are controlled by treating the making , importation , sale or hire , possession in the course of business , etc. of the devices or means as an infringement of copyright .
6 And then that 's circulated to each division , and if Newark in the future is n't coming up anywhere near those standards or , or failing to improve month after month , then he 'll want to know why .
7 Attending conferences and meetings of women 's organisations or asking to address groups of boys will provide an opportunity for frank discussion which in the case of boys is very inhibited in the presence of their female counterparts .
8 A captain could economize on the equipping and provisioning of his men , or continue to draw pay for men who had died or deserted .
9 False figures for repeating exist , almost invariably , when governments attempt to insist on an automatic promotion rule or attempt to limit numbers of repeaters in upper classes .
10 For six years , they cheerfully raked in premiums for policies which paid the mortgage if you were made redundant or forced to take time off work because of sickness or accident .
11 The first is the return date by which the claimant must return the completed Summons to court following service and by which the debtor requires to advise the court whether he wishes to defend the action or offer to make payment by instalments .
12 That meant one of two things — the remaining houses were either being patched up or demolished to make way for pre-fabs .
13 A back strap that is too tight will encourage bulges above and below , and a bra that relies on straps rather than shaping to hold breasts in place can cut grooves in your shoulders .
14 My branch submitted a motion to the Apex conference two years ago that sought to draw attention to unemployment amongst the white collar workers .
15 Barclay ( 1978 ) argues that the existence of surplus profits in the financial services industry will attract new entrants , and that it is the influx of new entrants that tend to cause problems for regulators .
16 As against this view , however , Jensen and Murphy suggest with some plausibility that ‘ there are strong political and organizational forces that tend to define success in dimensions other than shareholder wealth and exert pressures for actions that reduce firm value .
17 So probably a total stock of a dozen or more White Clouds , a dozen Zebra Danios , five female and one male American Flags ( females have a dot on the dorsal fin ) , six Black Widows and Six Red Eyes , with perhaps six Rosy or Aurulius barbs ( though I have my doubts about the later having once come across three three-inch specimens that tried to eat Corydoras for breakfast ) and the pair of sluggard cats .
18 In tiny flats and bedsitters it 's more often the living room that has to make space for dining , in which case it 's a good idea to separate the two functions with either a physical division — like an arch , trellis or shelving — or with visual treatment like different lighting or flooring , or perhaps a change of colour or mood created by wall coverings and soft furnishings .
19 Large organisations that want to do business via EDI can provide valuable assistance to their trading partners in getting online .
20 Under the policy , companies that want to import computers to India have to show that they also have export orders for software .
21 If we really want to fight AIDS then let's turn our anger on the newspapers who spread lies and distortions ; on a government that refuses to put money into AIDS education and research and those drug companies that appear more interested in patents than cures .
22 And over the years it 's been possible to identify a number of factors produced by these bacteria that seem to make sense in terms of the pathology and the conditions .
23 It was only the last and biggest headline-grabber — Sir James Goldsmith 's failed bid in 1989 for B.A.T Industries — that threatened to bring junk to London .
24 But no one knows the exact details : when the accident happened , the War Office was secretive and my father remembers nothing except waking up in hospital and the five major brain operations that followed to remove bits of shrapnel from his triple-fractured skull .
25 The research will extend an existing ESRC initiative that aims to provide information on dialect grammar for teachers .
26 Broadly speaking , it is easier to obtain funding for explanatory research that seems to provide guidance to policy-makers than for purely academic research , and for research that is statistically based than for research that is more qualitative in its approach .
27 This meant that actions to reduce emissions of sulphur dioxide within Brussels had only limited success in reducing smog levels and the city simply had to wait until the extensive smog bank drifted away or began to be dispersed .
28 For example , I have not concentrated much on the work of Steven Jones and related experiments that claim to see neutrons at levels near to background ; if real , they are of interest to science but have nothing to offer as such solutions to the world 's energy problems , at least not in the grandiose form claimed on behalf of Fleischmann and Pons .
29 Remembering that anything that bodes to threaten concentration in wood-machining is a prime risk , let us consider a router cutter revolving at anything up to 24,000rpm sitting midway between 12 highly unstably-sprung devices whose proper purpose in life is the support of wet laundry on a clothes line .
30 Ideologies are constructions of reality that serve to support claims to power or authority ( Holzner 1972 : 144 ) .
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