Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [to-vb] [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 Nonetheless , working in the artificial intelligence centres that began to open in the 1950s and 1960s , computer scientists began to make progress of a sort .
2 with winter Olympics that have to run in the four man bobsleigh
3 This principle in Hinduism is called ‘ Pancha Bhootas ’ and has to do with the five states of creative substances and their relationship to the five sensory faculties .
4 The West has simply ‘ rediscovered ’ in Africa ( despite the diversity and complexity of that continent 's cultures ) fundamental values that we imagine were lost or repressed in the high noon of civilization and progress : values like ‘ natural ’ well-being , spontaneity , conviviality , uninhibitedness , everything we long for and want to relearn in the 1980s .
5 The plan therefore built on the proposals put forward in 1937 by Sir Charles Bressey and Sir Edwin Lutyens for London 's traffic , and proposed to add to the two already partly-built outer ring roads ( the North and South Orbital and the North and South Circular ) with two corresponding inner rings — ‘ the fast traffic ring-road an
6 Our company is exchanging greetings with the young soldiers when suddenly a white car refuses to stop at the next checkpoint up the street — braking only slightly and seeking to swerve past the two soldiers .
7 I have a feeling they were working rigidly to Wilko 's plans for this game , and attempting to get round the 3 defenders in the middle of there defence by getting the ball wide .
8 Then it was presented with a list of terminal patients and had to skim off the 25 per cent who would be okayed for resurrection .
9 After the mid-1970s , however , the proportion of local spending funded by central grants fell sharply , and continued to fall into the 1980s .
10 The incidence of crowd misbehaviour reached a high point before the First World War , fell between the two World Wars , and continued to fall until the late-1950s , since when it continued to increase quite rapidly ( Dunning et al. , 1982 ; 1984 ) .
11 The statement is truer of lines than individual stations since average journey lengths are much longer , and continued to increase during the eighties .
12 He was selected to run in the 100 and 200 metres in the 1924 Olympics in Paris , but declined to run in the 100 metres on religious grounds , because the heats were to be run on a Sunday .
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