Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [to-vb] [noun sg] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My branch submitted a motion to the Apex conference two years ago that sought to draw attention to unemployment amongst the white collar workers .
2 It was only the last and biggest headline-grabber — Sir James Goldsmith 's failed bid in 1989 for B.A.T Industries — that threatened to bring junk to London .
3 Broadly speaking , it is easier to obtain funding for explanatory research that seems to provide guidance to policy-makers than for purely academic research , and for research that is statistically based than for research that is more qualitative in its approach .
4 I mean in my opinion that 's a good thing , but it 's had the effect of school governors , not having had any training in appointing people , have this sort of stereotyped model in their mind and tend to give promotion to men rather than to women .
5 The virus travelled into the neural net during a regular systems update and began to transmit information to IMC .
6 The joint training programme has been extremely important , and nice to mention that we 've trained , on a joint basis , over three thousand people , in the er , use of the new arrangements development of the assessment er , procedures and continue to provide training to people where it 's , where it 's essential .
7 She left the two boys and went to say good-bye to Hepzibah .
8 It featured strong condemnation of the radical party faction known as the " Democratic Platform " , and appeared to give notice to faction members to leave the party or face expulsion .
9 ( ‘ If forced to come face to face with the Subject avoid catching the Subject 's eye . ’ )
10 He attended the early meetings of SADCC Ministers and Heads of State and Government , and continued to provide assistance to SADCC , until illness made this impossible .
11 He will recall that dealing with NIE and trying to bring electricity to Rathlin was not one of the easiest tasks that he or I had to undertake .
12 My immediate anxiety was that the authorities might forbid my journey , since the Asaimara of Bahdu had recently renounced their allegiance to the Government and refused to send tribute to Asba Tafari .
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