Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 He said he could ‘ club ’ a golfer , hacker or scratch player by the second shot into the 3rd hole .
2 The outcome of the illness in children admitted to hospital was recorded as clinically improved , clinically worse , or causing death before the fifth day after entry into the study .
3 The clearest and harshest expression of this twofold approach ( and one which certainly brings into the open its ultimate presuppositions ) was perhaps the application of the doctrine of predestination in the Federal or Covenant Theology of the seventeenth century as expressed in such classic statements as the Westminster Confession , which for centuries held sway on both sides of the Atlantic as the most widely authoritative summary in English of Reformed orthodoxy .
4 Would it not be far better for the Government to end these punitive and ridiculous double tax payments — the Post Office already pays corporation tax — thus allowing it to concentrate on improving the quality of service to customers rather than pursuing abolition of the second delivery in towns and putting restrictions on rural services such as insisting that people have letter boxes at the bottom of their gardens or , in some cases , making people go to village centres for their letters ?
5 Well , the figures are there , it 's , it 's following the , the very substantial debate that took place at the last County Council meeting , on the issue of earnings within Shropshire , it 's to give the Committee a bit more detailed information about the position , and , and particularly I think , the position about female earnings in the County er , where we 're , we 're really at the bottom of , of the U K lists .
6 This is a delayed report on a one day conference that took place on the 27th April 1991 at the Gateway Centre , Shrewsbury .
7 There is a plaque on the wall of an abbey near the Hague which records a strange event that took place in the thirteenth century :
8 Coal-tar technology could not cope with the huge expansion in the chemical industry that took place after the Second World War .
9 Events or developments that take place around the 12th and 16th could leave you deflated and suspicious of other people 's motives .
10 We had a social evening at the Dog and Trumpet pub on the 3rd April .
11 ULSTER investors who take a stake in this summer 's flotation of Northern Ireland Electricity may be able to make a ‘ quick buck ’ and raise cash for the next issue of British Telecom shares .
12 Use extended memory , and load smartdrv as the first device driver in CONFIG.SYS after the HIMEM.SYS command line .
13 Table 2.1 gives additional information about these two broad industrial areas , showing that it is in the retail trade and the hotels and catering industry in the first of these , and public administration , education , medical services , " other services to the public " , recreational and cultural services and personal services in the second , where the proportion of temporary workers is greatest and/or where an important share of the temporary workforce is to be found .
14 At the moment John Cleese is in full sail , way ahead of the field , confident , at ease , and gathering energy for the next thing .
15 For the last year of his life he suffered from myeloma , a form of bone cancer , and entered hospital for the last time in July where he made friends with another patient who , unfortunately , soon died .
16 The rampant sexism of the climbing and walking fraternity over the last 50 years has left a whole generation of older women with the legacy of being expected to have the white-bearded , old sod 's tea ready for him on the table when he comes home from a fabulous day out on the hills .
17 Barclay pulled a pen from his pocket and prodded part of the first plate .
18 The MORI survey was conducted to measure the success of the Prospectus and to provide feedback for the second edition , which has now been published .
19 The consortium intends picking suppliers for federated naming ( which may be used in the object management system to enhance seamless support for multiple object managers ) , multimedia support and object management in the third quarter .
20 Many of these buildings which survive are in northern France and suffered bombardment in the First World War , but all are well restored to the original design .
21 So , straight away , Terry Nation sat down at his typewriter and began work on the first phase of any TV writing project , the story idea .
22 As his health recovered , he resumed his fieldwork , making important new discoveries in the geology of the midlands , Shropshire , and north Wales , and providing advice to the second royal coal commission ( 1902–5 ) and on foundations and water supply .
23 Their function was to work , to procreate and to give place to the next generation ; while the sprawling capital endured .
24 This limits the length of run which can be used between booster stages which receive light , reconstitute and amplify the electrical signals , and re-inject light into the next stage of fibre .
25 Temperate species are slow to accept it ; those that de-hardened and resumed growth at the first sign of spring warming would suffer severe damage in subsequent frosts .
26 The team of three academics and six industrialists visited ICOT and discussed progress in the Fifth Generation Computer Systems Programme ( due to be completed in 1992 ) benchmarking of parallel systems and decomposition of parallel applications .
27 The 1st oboe plays the top line in the preceding four bars , and gives place to the 1st clarinet on reaching the aforesaid high F. Note the smooth movement of the horns in the chord-passage , and the introduction of the 2nd clarinet on the low E to complete the harmony at the sixth bar from the end .
28 Its ratings could go up if DSC remains profitable and generates cash for the next several quarters .
29 He co-authored the first Dalek movie , and wrote dialogue for the second virtually single-handedly .
30 If any charge is given in favour of the husband and is subsequent to a first mortgage , then the husband should register a Class C(i) Land Charge ( puisne mortgage ) against the former wife and serve notice of the second charge on the first mortgagee ( see Precedent 64 ) .
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