Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [verb] on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A cup of tea , or similar , is always a good relaxing agent , always to be offered or accepted depending on the venue .
2 On market-days and fair-days the cattle were driven along the streets or allowed to rest on the roadway .
3 Is there any lichen or moss growing on the trunk , and which side of the tree is this , on the sunny side , or on the north ?
4 Unless you fall into a frozen lake or get left on the mountainside overnight , this will not happen to you .
5 The information required or displayed depends on the option and this part of the page is reconstructed and displayed when options are selected ,
6 With my friend Ann , I go for walks across the hilly fields towards Viewpark or go playing on the coal byngs , and we make up stories , often vengeful episodes in which punishments are meted out to our enemies .
7 This article will tackle each in turn and make suggestions as to how the problems can be relieved or eliminated depending on the user 's needs .
8 But Old Red 's silences they found inexcusable because he never attended our parties , or bothered to turn on the charm to anyone .
9 If the character currently scanned contains the value v , then the vth entry in a specified table is extracted ; the scan terminates or continues depending on the value of this vth entry .
10 Where the petitioner is found not to be entitled to have presented a petition or wished to withdraw his petition or allow it to be dismissed or fails to attend on the hearing , the court may substitute as petitioner any creditor who has given notice of intention to appear , wishes to prosecute the petition and is a creditor who would at the date of presentation of the petition have been in a position himself to present a petition against the debtor ( ie is presently owed more than £750 ) ( r 6.30 ) .
11 At the same time remove any excess debris that has accumulated on the pond bottom .
12 It appears that having agreed on the structure , the meeting did not address the question of functions of the RAC and the development of jointly planned activity , outlined in Green 's original proposals , was ignored and led subsequently to competitive activity in Cambridgeshire , Essex and Norfolk .
13 Although , along the lines suggested by Lyons or Ochs , we may be able to reduce the vagueness by providing lists of relevant contextual features , we do not seem to have available any theory that will predict the relevance of all such features , and this is perhaps an embarrassment to a definition that seems to rely on the notion of context .
14 The total number attending was only nine less than on the question of membership of the European Community seventeen years earlier , and forty more than had voted on the Government of Ireland bill in 1893 .
15 Wilcock had developed another interest too , one that had burgeoned on the Voice , a fascination with Andy Warhol 's factory , then turning out movies at the Factory by the dozen , and sucking in voyeurs , drifters , hopers , and no-hopers .
16 Body slick with sweat , despite the chill that had descended on the office block , Cardiff pushed the door open further , keeping the gun well in front of him .
17 It was a relief when a couple of minutes later , amidst the deafening silence that had descended on the room , Mrs Aitken poked her head round the door .
18 It not only covered ships passing to and fro through the Strait , but also included reports of Argentine air strikes , naval activity , including the sinking of the Belgrano , and even references to the British helicopter that had landed on the coast of the Magellan Strait almost opposite Punta Arenas , and had been destroyed by its pilot .
19 When Ramakrishna saw Kasi the Holy City , he did not see it as a physical city but as the dreams and hopes of holy pilgrims that had fallen on the city , stratum on stratum so that it became a city of holy ideas , a spiritual city .
20 ‘ Well , I certainly seem to have put my foot in it , ’ said Geoffrey , breaking the uncomfortable silence that had fallen on the room .
21 Lead fishing weights were banned in 1987 after thousands of the birds died from swallowing lead that had accumulated on the bottom of lakes and rivers .
22 The concentration calmed her , soothed the worries that had surfaced on the drive from Belfast to the border .
23 Late ‘ 76 saw Linda in this country with an excellent show and playing with the same guitarists that had appeared on the album .
24 The Atocha was a true time capsule and I will never forget the thrill of handling pieces that had lain on the ocean floor for over 350 years .
25 So democracy is a dangerous exercise when it means we empower the majority against minority groups that have rested on the support of the regime .
26 You may also see one of the kingfishers that have nested on the river bank .
27 What 've you been doing in the last five months that 's put on the weight ?
28 Recruits were forced to march along dusty tracks on their knees , packs on their backs , caps held above their heads ; they were woken and made to hop on the spot , half-naked and loaded down with sandbags , for two to three hours .
29 But what sort of a man was it who could be kidnapped , bundled into a cart and made to lie on the floor under a rug with a gun at his head while being driven halfway across the city on a cold November afternoon — and then just calmly and quietly fall fast asleep ?
30 We were ordered into the service area off the kitchen and made to sit on the floor .
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