Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 No person or group has claimed responsibility or given any reason for the attacks .
2 ‘ ( a ) For the avoidance of doubt , neither registration in the register of foreign lawyers , nor anything in these rules or in any other rules made under Part II of the Solicitors Act 1974 or section 9 of the Administration of Justice Act 1985 , shall entitle any registered foreign lawyer to be granted any right of audience or any right to conduct litigation within the meaning of Part II and section 119 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 , or any right to supervise or assume any responsibility for the exercise of such rights .
3 Blissfully unaware that the full panoply of America 's military might was about to deliver him up to the majesty of American justice , President Reagan 's token terrorist was welcomed aboard Skunk Kilo by an undercover FBI team that was so wrought up by the occasion that in placing Younis under arrest they managed to break both his wrists , though he offered no resistance or showed any enthusiasm for the 12-mile swim back to Limassol .
4 Gradualism had failed to secure the collaboration of masters or their agents in educating or providing religious instruction for the slaves .
5 It does not provide that no solicitor shall have any cause of action in respect of his costs or any right to be paid till the expiration of a month from his delivering a signed bill of costs , but merely that he shall not commence or maintain any action for the recovery of fees , charges , or disbursements until then .
6 The family members may come to blame external factors or blame each other for the addictive disease of the primary sufferer .
7 Economic expansion in seventeenth-century Europe , and the growth of the mining industry in particular , are given special prominence in an analysis that made generous allowance for the role of technical problems in defining areas of scientific research .
8 Concentrated work led to the uncovering ofa large theatre that produced crucial evidence for the history ofthe city .
9 This is a new market for hygiene and one that has significant potential for the future with increasing demands being made in safety and hygiene .
10 But his personal experience of sea and ships is more directly reflected in a group of documentary adventure stories written with that special educational purpose that characterises most fiction for the young .
11 It was pointed out that the modular nature of the new advanced provision lends itself to students choosing groups of units which , although having vocational relevance for the individual or a particular employer , do not satisfy the criteria for an existing HNC or HND .
12 Having nothing much to do while children are engaged in undemanding tasks that offer little opportunity for the support teacher 's intervention .
13 It is a gamble that generates huge commission for the dealer and usually even bigger losses for the client .
14 It combined with a pattern of events that rocked local life for the next twenty years and reiterated a strong belief in Sussex 's particular backwardness .
15 I.e. we want to create the impression that we are good people to do business with , so our customers come back and buy more of our books , so that makes more money for the company , which means they can pay us more money .
16 It is like the tiny mustard seed which grows into a sizeable bush that provides sufficient shade for the birds to come and shelter in its branches ( Matt.
17 The British government , whether Conservative or Labour , wants a solution that provides some safeguard for the Roman Catholic minority .
18 Questioned on whether the party 's credibility to campaign on such issues had not been hurt by its vote with the Government in order to secure seats for Scottish representatives on the European Community 's Committee of the Regions , Mr Salmond said the SNP was ‘ entitled to vote in such a way that secures better representation for the people of Scotland . ’
19 It is close to the centre of the little town of Newent and a typical example of the moderately-sized , brick-built mills that have ground corn for the area .
20 Pliny himself advised amulets of amber against delirium and recommended powdered amber for the stomach .
21 Radio is booming and offers excellent potential for the PR operator .
22 The second strong PR option would be to take the opposite line , to say how outrageous it is that there is all this terrible auditing going on , and to promise painful retribution for the wrongdoers .
23 He said : ‘ If the Labour group had followed our recommendations they would have gained a prestigious shopping development and made some money for the poll taxpayers into the bargain . ’
24 Women were granted the vote and given equal citizenship for the first time in the 1950 Constitution .
25 In 1343 Archbishop Zouche of York at first resisted the king 's nominee for the deanery of York because Cardinal Talleyrand had already been papally provided ; when the king 's judges found against him , Zouche acquiesced in the royal candidate , rejected the cardinal and endured papal excommunication for the last four years of his life .
26 OSF 's singular appearance changes the rules the industry has been playing by for the past few years , narrowing the gap between the two camps , and allowing more room for the players to manoeuvre .
27 My company is an outstandingly tolerant one , and has great respect for the individual .
28 Like many women who have crashed through the glass ceiling — or , perhaps , ignored it — she is strongly opposed to positive discrimination in favour of women and has little time for the argument that women do n't succeed because they are women .
29 The aim is to focus world attention on the conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina and in other parts of Europe and to encourage humanitarian aid for the victims .
30 In a draft policy statement entitled : ‘ University Consensual Relationships ’ published last week , the AUT recommends lecturers officially report romantic or sexual involvement and cease professional responsibility for the student concerned .
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