Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Until the American and French Revolutions Bentham and other utilitarians hoped that they could persuade apparently enlightened rulers or despots to commit themselves to the self-evidently admirable aim of increasing the sum and the spread of human well-being .
2 Others had festering wounds that seemed never to heal , or had adapted themselves to a three-legged gait , running as fast as the other dogs but with one leg , withered or deformed from birth , tucked up under their bodies .
3 Climbing up a steep bank or trying to extricate itself from a mud hole is likely to produce squeals of distress from the infant and the adults nearby will rush over to see what is wrong .
4 BRIAN HALL : ‘ At that particular moment in time we have a manager that has got himself into the semi-final of the FA Cup , he 's got the opportunity of reaching Wembley , he 's had a difficult time in the League , it 's been a traumatic season okay , then he 's told he needs triple by-pass surgery at the age of 39 .
5 If this is not possible ( and it usually is n't ) , the golden advice at the present time must be to sell first rather than risk lumbering yourself with the crippling expense of having to borrow for several months or possibly longer .
6 O'Connell gives the example of a State that wishes to associate itself with the primary objectives of a treaty but not with its implementation .
7 There was no reason at all why these councils should have been regarded as above criticism , but in the context of that period when local government was under renewed attack from Thatcherism , the publication of sectarian , ill-researched articles in the magazine that likes to see itself as a broad-based forum of progressive ideas , was nothing less than destructive .
8 It is management that have to address themselves to the solutions , either by using internal resources or by engaging outside consultants .
9 Over here it does n't even look as if you need access to the Royal Mint or the Bank of England to forge bank-notes , judging by the warning messages on the colour photocopiers that have stationed themselves inside the printing bureaux .
10 We 're speaking for working people in this country and we are a reliable indicator of the feelings , the dreams , the hopes of working people right across the country and any party that attempts to divorce itself from an organization such as ours , that attempts to speak for working people will lose its way .
11 As a result , an agreement was signed that about 50 rebel leaders could return to Nicaragua on condition that , like the returning contras , they renounced the armed struggle and illegal activities and agreed to incorporate themselves into the political system .
12 Say , 44 , of Craigmuir Croft , Ythanbank , near Ellon , appeared from custody and admitted conducting himself in a disorderly manner at his home while in possession of a loaded shotgun between 15 and 17 February , repeatedly threatening to shoot himself and committing a breach of the peace .
13 It has turned its back on the elitism of many consumer organisations and has based itself on a democratic structure in which the voluntary efforts of the members determine policy and action .
14 Later SF , in its " New Wave " ( 1960s and 1970s ) and " Cyberpunk " ( 1980s and 1990s ) manifestations , has become more " invisible " and " difficult " , and has extended itself beyond the boundaries of the genre .
15 As a divorcee , Docherty can no longer take communion and has distanced himself from the catholic faith , an institution he believes deserted him in his hour of need .
16 H&C 's management knows where it does not want to be , and has distanced itself from the previously volatile structure with some skill .
17 Nicholas Stavrogin has arrived during the summer months of 1870s , and has established himself as the one ‘ who might really be called the chief character of the novel ’ .
18 This particular project began in Liverpool in 1976 and has established itself as a national model for radical working-class adult education .
19 The Labour Party must continue to reject the tax on the low paid , the young , the elderly , and needs to commit itself to a restoration of the Wages Councils , an increase in the power of the Wages Councils , and an improvement in the Wages Inspectorate , to ensure that all employers who break the minimum wages legislation be detected and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law .
20 Yeah , yeah I hate people who park on the ramp and causes to put yourself to a hill start , they are a
21 She leaned against the wooden wall , and tried to flatten herself as a tall thin man came out of an adjacent door and turned in her direction .
22 The elder of the two policemen smiled at Sarah but she dropped her eyes and tried to busy herself at the sink .
23 The film sped up as Cameron ran out of the building , still in his tailcoat , and tried to lose himself in the streets around the Barbican .
24 Robyn headed the jeep up the by now familiar track to the barn and tried to get herself into the right frame of mind .
25 It was just a question of Mind over Matter , I thought , and tried to steel myself against the physical effects of an increasingly rough ride .
26 Overpowered by an intense sentiment of horror , unaccountable yet unendurable , I threw on my clothes with haste ( for I felt that I should sleep no more during the night ) , and endeavoured to arouse myself from the pitiable condition into which I had fallen , by pacing rapidly to and fro through the apartment .
27 You can vanish , fleet as the wind , and contrive to lock yourself in the bog .
28 Harry Lamb worked on his father 's farm , managed on five hours ' sleep a night and studied to prepare himself for the Church of Ireland ministry .
29 When we denounce the anti-Semitism and let the Fascism take care of itself , we are fastening on what is prepolitical or sub-political , and refusing to engage ourselves on the plane of politics where , as Olson insists , we 're required to vindicate our own sorts of polity against the Fascist sorts .
30 Yet being able to step off the treadmill and stop judging yourself for a while is the only way to begin to take stock and to start to unwind from the stress spiral .
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