Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [verb] [adv prt] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Do make sure that every job that gets sent out for setting has a full specification and requirements sheet with it .
2 Plus : Dyed in the wool … the textile mill that 's gone up for sale
3 The farewells they made to him , as they took his pony 's rein and made to turn back for home , were quiet and constrained , but clearly friendly .
4 He shook hands with scores of clerks , cooks and cleaners who had overcome feelings of revulsion and fear to turn up for work after the brutal and ghastly murder of their friend and colleague , who had been chained to a 1,000lb bomb .
5 Kee pulled off another brilliant save and United hung on for victory .
6 He had told Mr Gibson they had been walking past the barn and had gone in for shelter .
7 The Court of Appeal has struggled to reconcile the two decisions but has come in for criticism .
8 Abingdon , Aylesbury not so bad now , but do watch out for traffic on the A34 ; that 's still pretty busy there .
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