Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [verb] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Another problem arises when two houses that are close in date or place come under threat at the same time .
2 A secured creditor may , with the agreement of the trustee or leave of the court , at any time alter the value which he has , in his proof of debt , placed upon his security , but if he is the petitioner for the bankruptcy order or has voted in respect of his unsecured balance , he may revalue his security only with the leave of the court ( r 6.115 ) .
3 Judicial review does lie to the visitor in cases where he has acted outside his jurisdiction in the sense that he did not have the power under the regulating documents to enter into the adjudication of the dispute , or has abused his power , or has acted in breach of the rules of natural justice ( post , pp. 1114F–G , G–H , 1125H , 1126C–D , 1129H — 1130A ) .
4 In Gillick v. West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority [ 1986 ] A.C. 112 the central issue was not whether a child patient under the age of 16 could refuse medical treatment if the parents or the court consented , but whether the parents could effectively impose a veto on treatment by failing or refusing to consent to treatment to which the child might consent .
5 ‘ It 's come into my parlour or get sliced into pieces with the lasers . ’
6 Dwyer is monitoring the continuing rumpus over whether players should be involved with their provinces in 15-a-side competitions or opt to play for Australia in the sevens tournaments .
7 It did not court or attempt to mate with females on heat , even though it appeared to be anatomically well equipped to do so .
8 If your business regularly makes or receives payments in foreign currencies , or wishes to borrow in anticipation of receiving payments from abroad , you may find it convenient and cost-effective to open foreign currency bank accounts .
9 Boredom and fatigue will lead to the tendency to take naps but whether this should be encouraged or resisted depends upon details of the journey .
10 Should the enemy charge the hand gunners will flee , and the attackers are either drawn onto the halberdiers or left struggling in front of the main body of the regiment ready to be charged next turn .
11 However , Barbarossa was still suspicious of the leader of the Guelphs , and when he resolved to go on crusade he ordered that Henry must either follow him to the Holy Land or return to exile in England for a further three years .
12 It went against all biological sense to suggest that the receptors and the elaborate physiological adaptations which they set in motion had no purpose , or had evolved in response to taking opium .
13 The Act creates several offences , all of which are committed by organisation , participation or incitement in a controlled or banned procession , or controlled meeting in breach of the conditions imposed .
14 Giving , or offering or agreeing to give to persons in their capacity as investors or potential investors advice on the merits of their purchasing , selling , subscribing for or underwriting an investment , or exercising any right conferred by an investment to acquire , dispose of , underwrite or convert an investment .
15 Of its own motion the court may decide to bring a private prosecution to the attention of the Crown Prosecution Service ; indeed a justices ' clerk is obliged to do so if a private prosecutor withdraws or fails to proceed in circumstances in which the reason given appears unsatisfactory .
16 Nowhere does this manifest itself more blatantly than in the way that the state , in most EEC countries , is allowed by EEC institutions to use the enterprises it owns or controls to act as vehicles for receiving and in some cases dispensing subsidies .
17 You or your husband or wife must either think of Scotland as your permanent home or have lived in Scotland for at least one year immediately before you apply for divorce .
18 Do you find that you tend to generally eat more , or crave sweet food more when you are feeling tired or have gone without food for a long time ?
19 A document published by a committee of the Justice Ministry on May 20 claimed that as many as 40,000 people might have been executed or have died in detention under the previous regime of former President Hissène Habré .
20 We know that if we started to challenge everything we should end up like the centipede that became paralysed through analysis of the movement of its many legs .
21 We safeguarded ourselves by leaving one man behind to clear the rabbits that became entangled in front of the main wood .
22 Notably , the Northcote-Trevelyan reforms helped to root out political patronage and corruption in the state bureaucracy in the second half of the nineteenth century , and to establish a public administration that operated according to principles of professionalism and the ethos of ‘ public service ’ .
23 A government that sought to remain in office after losing a vote of confidence in the House of Commons would find its position politically intenable : it would lack the political authority to govern .
24 The decade began with congress passing various bills that sought to cut off funding for the Vietnam War and in 1973 legislators moved on to pass the War Powers Act over president Nixon 's veto .
25 This is in itself unremarkable and can be explained if , of the two types , the carbon-free granulites have a higher porosity , a weaker matrix or a greater proportion of long thin cracks that tend to close on application of small confining pressures .
26 French racecourses , without bookmakers and with an undemonstrative crowd that tend to think of horses in terms of their number on the Pari-Mutuel rather than their name , can seem strange places to Britons .
27 Ball was the first amateur and the first Englishman to win the Open , at Prestwick in 1890 , but the kind of loving research that has to go into books of this type invariably makes fascinating reading .
28 ‘ Be careful not to wake the crowd that has to go to school in the morning . ’
29 The only kind of entity that has to exist in order for life to arise , anywhere in the universe , is the immortal replicator .
30 This aspect is something that has increased in importance with the rise of inflation because there are very few cases where the deceased would not have been earning more by the date of trial than he was earning at the date of his death .
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