Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [be] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If your car is suitable , or has been adjusted to unleaded , you will notice no significant reduction in performance .
2 the package contains modules for which an active DC does not exist or has been raised through another package .
3 investment ) , tourism and weaving underpin the fragile economy which is or has been augmented by local centres of enterprise such as the oil platform fabrication yard at Arnish near Stornoway ( now closed ) , the rocket-range support base at Ballavanich , the military developments at Stornoway airfield and scattered small scale initiatives such as fish processing and , notably , salmon farming in sheltered bays and sea lochs .
4 This draft response indicates which DTAC responses he has taken into account , and any member whose DTAC 's response has arrived late or has been omitted for some other reason can ensure that relevant points are not missed .
5 Where ferreting is curtailed in this way you may be able to trap the entrance holes and snare the nearby runs ; you may also be able to crop the rabbits by night netting and by evening and night shooting .
6 ( Common sense reminds us that given the distribution of women in employment in Edinburgh , most of the mothers probably were or had been employed in some form of domestic service or in the clothing industry ; but in what proportions ? )
7 ‘ The builder had either spent three weeks cleaning it or had been kept in pristine condition , ’ says Darren .
8 If coal was just another industry or a medium-sized company in the private sector whose product was not as much in demand as previously , or had been superseded by another product that it could not make or compete with it , that industry or company would slim down or might even close altogether — with the same tragic effect on families and communities as has been seen in the coal industry .
9 Enraptured by the celluloid screen , we revelled in the romance that had been denied to us , or had been put in cold storage ‘ for the duration , .
10 We excluded patients if ( i ) they had had an episode of pneumonia within the past 6 months , ( ii ) they lived in a nursing home or had been admitted to another hospital within the past 2 weeks , and ( iii ) there was subsequent clinical or laboratory evidence of a different diagnosis .
11 But before we jump to the conclusion that Pound had simply had a brainstorm , or had been trapped by misplaced compassion for Dunning as a lame duck , we ought to consider another possibility — that imagism , and Pound 's endorsement of Ford 's insistence on ‘ the prose tradition ’ , had never been for him more than an aberration , though in the short term a very profitable one , from a way of feeling that impelled him always toward the cantabile , a proclivity that would , in the interests of melody , tolerate notably eccentric diction .
12 In some regions the transformation had taken place much earlier , as in Kent , or Essex , or Devon , where it had taken a different form altogether , and most of the fields had been reclaimed direct from forest and moorland without passing through the open-field stage at all , or had been enclosed from open field at an early date .
13 Rather he had discovered , or had been forced by historical development , to discover the limitations of his anti-royalism .
14 Some memoirs , too , take us much further than official material ; those of de Gaulle are a case in point , while British official documents which in their original form remained hidden from the historian by the thirty-year rule were printed in the books of Winston Churchill and Eden , or have been unearthed in private collections by scholars able to disregard the consequences of publication .
15 This sounds simple enough , yet it does mean that the data subject ( to whom the information relates ) and the data user ( who puts it into a computer ) should each see the handling of the data in the same way , and this has not always been the case when data have been disclosed to third parties , or have been collected for one ostensible purpose and used for another .
16 We propose that inflammatory bowel disease patients who are or have been treated with systemic steroids and have articular complaints are investigated for osteonecrosis preferably by magnetic resonance scanning .
17 A number of other studies have also shown that non-traditional students who have been carefully selected on the basis of criteria which relate to the ability to meet the demands of higher education , or have been prepared for higher education , have relatively high completion rates when compared with all students .
18 Hospital studies on asthma attacks have concentrated on specific groups of patients ( adults or children ) or have been confined to specific geographical areas .
19 When working by hand , it is only necessary to record those values that change upon iteration ; in this text the values that change are denoted by bold print , but the other numbers are copied over for clarity .
20 Another method that has been tested upon some blind people is the regular use of the hormone melatonin , a product of the pineal gland .
21 Any precious metal that has been manufactured in some way , including coins used for ornament .
22 We now shall take up an issue that has been touched on several times before : power transformation of the scale of a variable in order to make its analysis easier .
23 The visually handicapped pupils attending an ordinary school may be greatly helped by a physical and social environment that has been planned with some sensitivity to their special needs while retaining a challenging or ‘ normal ’ character .
24 To equate this ‘ avowed objective ’ of social policy with its real objective , as Marshall seems to do , involves an acceptance of a particular ideology about the ‘ welfare state ’ that has been challenged by various writers .
25 Mr Trippier was one of a number of European government ministers who attended the conference and spoke of their committment to compensate developing countries for the expense they would have to entail in order to avoid adding to an ecological disaster that has been created by industrialised states .
26 In reaching his decision he founded himself on the only reported case as far as we know that has been decided under this provision ; it is the decision of the Court of Appeal in Brown v Liverpool Corporation [ 1969 ] 3 AER 1345 .
27 According to David Hume , the subject of the next chapter , Berkeley 's account of abstract ideas was ‘ one of the greatest and most valuable discoveries that has been made of late years in the republic of letters ’ .
28 I agree entirely with my hon. Friend , and so does every independent study and assessment that has been made of this matter .
29 On the basis of these split-brain studies , the most general statement that has been made about right hemisphere specialisation is that they are non-linguistic functions that seem to involve complex visuo-spatial processes .
30 On the basis of these split-brain studies , the most general statement that has been made about right hemisphere specialisation is that they are non-linguistic functions that seem to involve complex viso-spatial processes .
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