Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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61 Two and a half years ago Camel Laird started a campaign to gain access to the intervention funding and because of the total lack of any sort of industrial policy by this government , and their refusal to support the Camel Laird application to the E E C , next month will see the closure of Camel Lairds which will lead to a loss of skills that amounts almost to a criminal act on the part of this government , who seem prepared to allow this country to become a skill-free zone in order to drive down wages and conditions to a rate comparable with some Third World countries .
62 They also tend to be middle-minded , not just because of the selective ( and , until recently , highly secretive ) recruitment procedure by which they are appointed , but also because in the course of their training and socialization they are imbued with a particular self-perception about their role that amounts almost to a consistent ideology ( Parker et al. , 1989 ) .
63 The third common explanation suggested that growing up in a white racist society and with few positive black public images created low self-esteem and self-concept in black children which in turn led to poor performance in schools .
64 I think one of the things the American companies often do is that , rather than set up on a green field site , they often buy into an existing company , erm , and therefore it 's , it 's , it 's a , it 's a somewhat different form of investment to the
65 Stick that lot together along with the teeniest , faintest soupçon of banjo , and you 've got something that sounds almost like a miniature piano .
66 The bits and pieces of competitor information that flow by in a constant stream may be true or false , relevant or irrelevant , confirmed or unconfirmed , positive or negative , deceptive or insightful .
67 In multicellular organisms that reproduce asexually through a single-cell stage , the effects of Muller 's ratchet will be exacerbated , both because population sizes tend to be smaller than for protozoans , and because genomes tend to be large and hence to accumulate more mutations per genome .
68 If they are unusually anxious or irritated , they may find the noise just too much to deal with and stalk off in a feline sulk rather than squat down for a good meal .
69 If we believe , and many of us do , in unitary local government — one door to knock on and one set of people to hold to account — we must give them something to do other than riding around in a civic car pretending that they are important and delivering nothing , responsive to no demands , not aspiring to change and improvement , and not even doing what the Conservatives of old did in the Chamberlain era when there was the sort of socialism that is now anathema to the Tory party .
70 If it is argued that sarvodaya is an unattainable ideal , and that in the end one may have to settle for the happiness or good of 51 per cent , it could be stated in reply , that it is infinitely better to strive for sarvodaya and fail to realize it , than to start out with a limited objective and attain it at the expense of an unfortunate minority .
71 Might have been more restful than running round like a lunatic stuffing pâté de foie gras into the undeserving old ghouls who turned up in their dozens today . ’
72 But quite clearly this is a more expensive use of beds in residential establishments , when people simply come in for a matter of days or week or two weeks , rather than coming in on a permanent basis .
73 Rather than starting off with a blank sheet towards all class members , it may be that because of natural assertiveness , boys dictate a particular kind of response from teachers , quite independently of the details of the situation .
74 A long quarter swell built up and for four days and nights the carrack raced along , slipping backwards down each wave as it overtook her , wallowing heavily as the next one came up astern , and making a dazzling white wake that trailed astern like a huge , ragged scar across the aquamarine ocean .
75 With the help of audio-visual aids , computer-assisted instruction , and other teaching devices , a museum can bring a subject alive in ways that compare favourably with a single television programme , or a book selected almost by chance from the local shop .
76 The office was smaller and tidier than the one used by Inside Out , although laid out in a similar way with desks back to back .
77 But , there comes a time in every painting when a clean , new brush has to be used to add detail or to control a passage of the work that started off as a spontaneous accident , or alternatively to lay on a clean glaze .
78 An invention that started out as a simple toy for children grew over the years to become a lifetime hobby for millions of people .
79 If the universe is indeed spatially infinite , or if there are infinitely many universes , there would probably be some large regions somewhere that started out in a smooth and uniform manner .
80 Just withering thrash grooves that shoot past in a punch-drunk blur , leaving their peers way behind .
81 It 's an Italian design and is the only one we could find that folds down into a little square shape .
82 They found themselves in a long corridor with one glass wall that looked out into a bright , modern , open-plan and spacious area .
83 At about 10,000ft ( 3300m ) we broke out of the trees into an area of grassland that looked vaguely like a Scottish moor and decided to camp for the night .
84 With a natural , sculptural quality , it can outshine any number or works of art or ornaments and , what 's more , at a fraction of the price if you buy and nurture a smaller plant rather than shelling out on a large , expensive specimen a nursery has grown on for you .
85 Gooch played the shot of a weary man , completely foxed by a slower ball from Manoj Prabhakar that drifted in through a large gap between bat and pad .
86 Hollywood had always been able to recruit actors who could authentically depict urban working men and by the end of the silent era Bickford and Beery had almost achieved perfection in suggesting that kind of independence that grew out of a tough upbringing and an even tougher manhood .
87 There are two groups of tropical diseases of importance ; those that are sexually transmitted — chancroid , granuloma inguinale , and lymphogranuloma venereum , and those that , although passed on in a non-sexual fashion , are closely related to syphilis and may be confused with it .
88 William 's life — like that of nearly everyone else in Santa Fe — appears to be both blameless and obscure , and is occupied principally with the farming of bananas and taro plants on the shallow hillsides that slope down to a sluggish tributary of the Rio Sabanas .
89 The kiss was achingly sweet , a lingering delicious sensation that spun out in a timeless band of teasing exploration and honeyed conquest .
90 The lyricism that sells out to a state-ordained reality and solidarity is not the only lyricism we know , and it is the opposite of much of what we know by that name .
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