Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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31 Or shacked up with a new girl you wanted to keep to yourself or something . ’
32 I wonder sometimes where my cousin ended up ; at the bottom of the sea , or washed on to some craggy and deserted shore , or blown on to a high mountain face , to be eaten by gulls or eagles …
33 Lions may learn to jump through hoops or sea lions to clap their flippers while balancing a ball on their noses , but lions jump over obstacles in their home territory or laze around under a favourite tree , while sea lions are naturally dexterous , chasing fish with great skill .
34 There has been a kind of stalemate in the class struggle which has placed governments in the position of tackling deep-rooted problems with technocratic instruments of strictly limited effectiveness : they have held the line on the balance of payments by means of periodic deflation , which has not really solved anything ; they have periodically checked inflation and attempted to rebuild industrial profitability by means of ad hoc incomes policy but have been unable either to maintain popular support for such policies or to push forward to a comprehensive planning of prices and incomes , investment and consumption .
35 or come up with a whole so whole position .
36 Had he gone to Glastonbury or come back by a secret route to Templecombe to hide himself in the church ?
37 Thus when using glissades the choreographer must decide whether they are to be darted. and controlled by careful spacing to close in an elegant 5th position , or glided smoothly with a gentle rise and full , or danced in such a way that they give impetus to propel the dancer upwards into the step of elevation .
38 It is then written up as the business strategy or plan together with a detailed plan for implementation .
39 There were the usual pairs of opening lights over each saloon window , all each side being opened or closed together by a small lever .
40 Training should be as specific as possible and so for karateka I recommend either shadow boxing against a mirror , or working out on a light punch bag .
41 At the back there is a horizontal belt sleeve which allows it to be attached to a belt up to 70mm wide and there is also a vertical sleeve 50mm wide which permits it to be worn on its side or slid down over a vertical post for use as a permanent fixture at a centre or clubhouse .
42 The hallway was of a fair size , high-ceilinged and with an oak stairway that led up to a gallery-style balcony .
43 Alison 's favours break down the boundaries of class ; any man who can lay her in his bed is like a lord , as Absolon says as he anticipates her kiss : Kolve 's interpretation of potentially religious images within the tale is fine as far as it goes , and can justly be quoted against the allegorizers , but there is at least one aspect of the tale that refers irreducibly to a moral frame within which the tale is set : recurrent swearing of oaths by " " Seint Thomas of Kent " " , which reminds us of the framing narrative with its realistic and morally symbolic journey towards Becket 's shrine in Canterbury and the judgement of the tale-telling game just as much as John 's calling upon St Frideswide locates the tale effectively within Oxford .
44 In one unique fish , the imperial angelfish , the juveniles are covered in white lines that curve round in a special pattern that centres all one 's attention on the tail end .
45 Just two machines , four people and gradually that got up to a reasonable size er i it grew on the back of companies like , , , manufacturing what I call the coordinated look cos knitwear was utilized for bringing other things together .
46 The old bill that bounced back like a bad penny .
47 The people who are seizing and occupying the present time can not belong in my colour , they 're like the bits that leap out of a spinning bowl , too heavy , too separate and distinct to be blended in with the other substances ; red-hot stones , flung out and setting on fire the place where they land .
48 Appropriately enough , we met in the Hominid Room of the Natural History museum , a light spacious rectangular chamber with a glass wall on one side that looks out on a grassy park .
49 But all that seemed almost like a simple happy life , now that he knew the real questions .
50 The nature of time in the British Civil Service as changed , cut up into small blocks covered by forward-looking three year corporate plans , rather than looking backwards to a living corporate tradition .
51 Jazz is a form of music that came out of a social evolution in black history , and so is rap .
52 Although writing here with a different purpose from our own — and exclusively from a psychodynamic perspective — Anthony nevertheless articulates for us the final theme that remains to be developed in this chapter , which concerns the formal similarities between the mechanisms of mad and creative thought .
53 A homogeneous population will eventually grow at a steady rate r , which is given by the Euler-Lotka equation , In an asexual population , or a population of sexually reproducing haploids that vary only at a single locus , the outcome of natural selection depends simply on the long-term growth rates associated with each genotype , in the absence of density- or frequency-dependent interactions , each genotype will eventually grow exponentially at a rate that depends on its own life history , given by equation ( 1 ) .
54 However , I ca n't help wondering how many people after seeing the engraving based on Turner 's painting by Middiman and Pye of Hardraw Force got off their wagonettes and hurried through the door of the Green Dragon Inn — only to be underwhelmed by a narrow , peaceful , tree-clad valley that leads serenely to a rocky bow with a high fall dropping from its lip to the valley floor which , impressive though it certainly is ( particularly after heavy rains ) , is nothing like the falls depicted by Turner .
55 In the example of Rubik 's cube , we have looked at a substantial problem that leads naturally to a great deal of mathematics and uses many techniques of problem solving .
56 As darkness begins to fall , the adventurers are ‘ lucky ’ enough to chance upon a path that leads upwards towards a rock-strewn side-valley .
57 Secondly , I 'd make the land around the barn blend and unify with the surrounding area ; it would merge with and reinforce the horizon beyond — harmonise rather than stick out like a sore thumb . ’
58 Behind her , the flat expanse in the centre of the roof was dominated by something that perched there like a gigantic black dragonfly .
59 This may mean returning it to the dealer or manufacturer , but certainly not incinerating it or throwing it out with other household waste that ends up in a shallow landfill .
60 ‘ She staggered and fell ; nearly blinded with the blood that rained down from a deep gash in her forehead ; but raising herself with difficulty … breathed one prayer for mercy to her Maker .
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