Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] [prep] the day " in BNC.

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1 Events seen on the television the might before , or read about in the day 's newspaper , or relayed as they happen to police stations throughout the province over the MSX machine , naturally facilitate talk on sensitive topics or cam be used as contextually related props to achieve the same end .
2 Another speculation is that this odd behaviour ( to humans ) is a genetically controlled one that goes back to the days of the giant ground sloths .
3 A bout of exercise of any kind is a wonderful outlet for the frustrations that build up during the day and it helps to release tension and enable us to relax .
4 It has stuck to an antiquated way of operating that harks back to the days of guild power , and has refused to countenance criticism .
5 I used to walk between the two parts of the building — that is between my studio/study and the main house — and stare up at the pulley that hangs over the hall , an imitation of the one that hung there in the days when a real miller hoisted his sacks of grain .
6 Florida is the shock of the new jutaposed with '40s and '50s kitsch and the magnificent turn-of-the-century beachfront resorts that date back to the days when the Northern grandees , steamer trunks and servants in tow , would descend by private rail to the exclusive enclaves of Sarasota , Palm Beach and Miami .
7 I have a great deal of sympathy with all these organisations anyway , and the tremendous number of volunteers that come out on the days .
8 You can hasten this recovery process by relaxing , resting and eating well in the days following your run .
9 Cornelius drew the curtains and gazed out upon the day .
10 Night Goblins have become so accustomed to the dark that when they come out into the open they prefer to move around at night and hide away during the day .
11 You know given that life is as it is are you okay and he said yes so I went round the gardens and I came back to him and I had a friend coming for lunch and I thought this is ridiculous , I 'm going to have something to drink and I 'm going to have a meal so I made him an enormous great wad of cheese sandwiches and some apples and a piece of cake and some biscuits and a cup of tea and I went downstairs with the milk and the sugar and cup of tea and all this stuff and I went into the gardens and this poor child he looked very defensively a second time and I said well I thought you might like some breakfast and I wrapped the second lot up so if you 've nothing later on , why not put it in your pocket and eat later in the day and I did n't know whether you took milk or sugar , so I thought I 'd better just ask you and do you know I thought he was going to cry .
12 Patients were also instructd to eat at 1 pm and 8 pm and to remain upright during the day and to be supine from 10 pm to 8 am .
13 There is no doubt she feels that she has paid a high price for her royal life and looks forward to the day when she can spend a weekend in Paris or , as she says , ‘ I can run along a beach without a policeman following me ’ .
14 Originally Salcey was part of the chain of Royal Hunting Forests that stretched from Stanford to Oxford and dated back to the days of William the Conqueror ( 1066 ) .
15 We 'll plot and plan together for the day when it 's opportune to strike ! ’
16 Historians usually regard this as a scandal and look forward to the day when computerised storage will allow everything to be kept .
17 Council leader John Williams argued the town benefits from people who choose to stay in more rural locations and travel in during the day .
18 The council leader , Coun John Williams , argued that the town benefits from people who choose to stay in more rural locations and travel in during the day .
19 Sir Leslie Scarman spoke of the new computer-usable Statutes in Force and of the Statute Law Committee 's subcommittee on the impact of computer technology on statutory material , and looked forward to the day when lawyers will be able to search the statutes in computer-usable form , as well as relying on their traditional book material .
20 The barman at the Tomorrowman polished up his impersonations and looked forward to the day after tomorrow , when Rex had promised him his own show .
21 She is able to eat and drink normally on the day she is admitted but on the following day is allowed nothing at all by mouth for 4 hours prior to surgery .
22 We ca n't just nip on a coach and go somewhere for the day .
23 The cover was made of leather and went back to the days when mankind used animals for food and clothing .
24 Paul found that he could not stay with her at present ; he excused himself , got up from the table , fetched his hat and a stout stick , and went out into the day .
25 Overnight , the fighting calmed down a little but it picked up again the next morning and raged on throughout the day .
26 He then attended the Crypt School in Gloucester , but left early on the day he died , cancelling a tennis lesson .
27 Sterling opened at Dm2.3157 , just above the all-time low it touched on Wednesday , but picked up through the day as dealers switched away from the German currency .
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