Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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31 Or shovelled off into the Old Folks like me .
32 Faithful readers will recall that , despite being bottom of the Banks Group Northern Youth League , the lads had played the entire season without a booking or sending off until the catastrophic 82nd minute of the final game .
33 We do not think the criterion can be put any better or more clearly than it is put in R.S.C. , Ord. 62 , r. 12(2) and would hold that , on the true construction of the 18 February 1985 mortgage , the defendants are entitled to be paid or to retain out of the mortgaged property all their actual costs , charges and expenses ( including the receivers ' remuneration ) except in so far they are of an unreasonable amount or have been unreasonably incurred and with any doubts as to whether the costs have been reasonably incurred or are reasonable in amount being resolved in favour of the defendants .
34 Whether GRIDS themselves are used or another comparable scheme of self-review , choices slowly emerge about what should be strengthened , retained or phased out over the next four years .
35 She crouched as the great flock screamed past her , wings humming ; some of them tangled in the trees , a few panicked as they shattered themselves against the stone of the fortress , or flew frantically in the confined space of the room ; but most of them circled above her head , then streamed away to the south , lost against the fading luminescence of the sky .
36 Everyone in the board room was either clearing his throat , or shifting position in his seat , or doing both at the same time , which is actually rather difficult .
37 Pearn and the members of his staff had started a monthly publication called Burma Today , giving news brought out by men who had gone in with Wingate , photographs taken by army photographers or by RAF planes on patrol , and first-hand accounts by people smuggled out of occupied Burma or coming out from the growing number of liberated areas .
38 IF YOU want to know what books are in the library or find out about the latest reports on new topics , you can now do this without leaving the comfort of your office .
39 Students of our naval past may treasure those small books bound in wood salvaged from the Mary Rose , which heeled over and sank off Portsmouth in 1545 ; or brought up from the Royal George which , a tarnished monument to the neglect of the Admiralty , went down at Spithead in 1772 with nearly a thousand souls .
40 The reason often lies in an over-eager management who are continually hounding the PRO for more column inches or to keep up with the supposed coverage of competitors .
41 One by one , true believers have either died off or slipped away into the post-Modern or revivalist camp under one pretext or another .
42 It is possible to take a difficult route back to the line almost immediately , or go on to the next farm and follow a track there .
43 Here at Club M'Diq you can either do your own thing or involve yourself in the daily and evening activities and events available for free ; you can lazy on the spacious sandy beach , or go off on the optional excursions to see something of what this colourful Moslem country has to offer .
44 ‘ I would hope if sufficient parents support me they will either postpone the tests until Easter , by which time the children will have some idea of what it is like , or go back to the previous system .
45 If you want , take to the water with a sunny trip by boat to view the coastline in a more leisurely fashion , or go across to the romantic island of Elba .
46 Such practices include cultivating on steep slopes so the topsoil runs off when the rains come , or ploughing downhill with the same end result .
47 Nevertheless , the situation is made more complicated by variations in the design : several of the objects have four eyes or nipples instead of the expected two , so there is probably some additional layer of symbolic meaning that has yet to be penetrated .
48 If you can help please telephone DAD on Darlington or call in at the local office at the Friends Meeting House , 6 Skinnergate , Darlington .
49 Individual difficulties would be singled out for special treatment : ‘ When a passage went wrong during practice , she did n't mentally beat herself with a stick and get angry , merely went over it again , maybe more slowly or homed in on the particular difficulty that had tripped her up and worked on that . ’
50 About 30 passengers were allowed to leave or slipped out of the back door in Tallinn , leaving some 50 passengers and crew to continue the journey to Stockholm .
51 Walking about at night in the streets of Calcutta and of necessity stepping over emaciated bodies too lethargic to move , or visiting refugee shacks in beautiful Hong Kong , or standing helplessly in the filthy slums of Kampala , always the same agony and anger assailed me as it did on that cold morning in Kiel .
52 Meanwhile , for one glorious day , millions were able to ‘ take action ’ and assuage a whole year 's guilt in one go , by writing a cheque , phoning in a credit card number , or trotting along to the local collection point with cash .
53 By day it 's relaxed with lazy days spent on the beach , sitting in the harbourside bars , or cycling sedately through the beautiful countryside exploring the ancient ruins of this historic island .
54 Chemical activity is often limited , particularly on irregular items , because the product runs off or dries out before the necessary contact time has elapsed .
55 Er the contribution to the discussion made by Mr Jewitt of Hambleton erm is a necessary contribution but it really does n't fit or sit well with the economic circumstances of other parts of the county .
56 Soil films probably react differently because of partial oxidation , heat modification or drying out of the uppermost layers , forming a ‘ case hardened ’ skin which protects the body of the soil .
57 The appeal raises important and , to our minds , difficult questions of principle regarding the right of a mortgagor on the taking of a mortgage account to object to the level of costs , charges and expenses which the mortgagee claims to be entitled to charge against or retain out of the mortgaged property .
58 I see the sign saying Welcome to Inverness just as I remember where I left the car and where I left from this morning and just before I turn and stamp to the nearest desk and demand in my highest dudgeon to be taken to Edinburgh on a charted Lear if necessary or limoed immediately to the highest-starred hotel within a reasonable radius for a free overnight dinner , bed and breakfast and unlimited bar tab .
59 The FIS was also demanding that presidential elections be held simultaneously with or follow shortly after the general election scheduled for June 27 .
60 There is likely to be a far greater appreciation of home comforts but there may also be a reluctance to answer the barrage of questions or to say much about the new life .
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