Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pron] is the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What matters most is that we should accept the peculiarity of the method rather than assume it is the natural and only way to behave .
2 The only assumption that explains them is the same assumption that leads Miller and Swift to criticise the generic masculine : that the norm of humanity in just about every sphere is a man .
3 Candle says it has successfully tested key DCE components within its Distributed Computing Server component in an MVS-OS/2 client-server environment and says it is the first implementation of DCE on an MVS system .
4 Her sister thinks of this pain all day and night and says it is the worst part and I think it is , worse even than how it is to end .
5 Providing something that is high on most corporate users ' wish lists , Hewlett-Packard Co has come up with an SQL-based interface that can read and update data in a non-relational network database , and reckons it is the first vendor to do so .
6 In years to come , when the new road has fallen into disuse and the plaque has been worn away by time , people may come here and wonder what is the hidden significance of the stones ; or maybe by then , they 'll have discovered that Stonehenge was built by some ancient farmer , commemmorating a new bypass .
7 Consider the procedure and function names below and decide which is the easier to read .
8 On a small site it is important to think about the conditions and to consider what is the best way of turning to make use of a longer run on the airfield , or to avoid having to dodge obstructions .
9 I do not think it would be reasonable to pretend that the cost of paying people , recruiting them and retaining them is the same in the south-east as in other parts of the United Kingdom .
10 Then change the arrangement of the pile and ask what is the new number .
11 The evidence provided shows that the military are able to influence thought and action and determine what is the national interest and what is not .
12 Or take the old woman who is really a slave to the Gluttony of Delicacy but thinks she is the very model of abstinence : She is a positive terror to hostesses and servants .
13 The Scots have four decent locks , although they failed to cope with John Eales ; but remember he is the best lock in the world .
14 Recognising you 've got a problem is fine , but changing it is the hardest part and a lot of people do n't do it .
15 A useful text to have when writing anything is The Complete Plain Words , originally by Sir Ernest Gowers , published by HMSO ( Fraser , 1983 ) , from which the above examples of filler words are taken .
16 Visiting teams from the Soviet Union , United States , German Federal Republic and France all stare bemused on arrival , and they become even more astounded when told it is the only indoor facility in the country .
17 2.25 Various factors should be taken into account when considering what is the appropriate multiplier in any particular case .
18 Here , of course , as has been noted above , the prospects or fact of remarriage of the widower must be taken into account when considering what is the appropriate sum for the award .
19 When beating it is the sideways force that is large with the daggerboard fully down to resist it .
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