Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pron] way [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The posters on the walls were all the same old ones of 1950s legionnaires in tanks looking at the desert through binoculars , or cutting their way through the jungle with machetes .
2 Here the blaze had started , killing Dame Frances whilst the rest of the nuns , given some warning , had managed to jump out of the windows or find their way down the outside stairs .
3 ‘ I just hope we can catch up with him before he gets knocked down by a car or finds his way off the roads into open countryside or woodland where it will be harder to find him . ’
4 It 's best to go with an organised group if you want to cycle or paddle your way through the area .
5 All you can really do is construct something that will divert it or block its way for a while ; persuade it to do something it does n't really want to do .
6 Hurling my body through the air in the jumps did n't seem too appealing , nor did attempting to sprint , run or hurdle my way into the record books : but how about throwing something ?
7 Not a single one of the millions of fish that fought their way up the river ever returns to the sea .
8 All of them sheep and cattle yes , even the savage beasts birds of the air and fish that make their way through the water .
9 The principal movements that found their way into the full orchestral suite have ben heard too often to allow much deviation in interpretation , but in the other , rarer music , Pons is far freer with his tempi than Izquierdo , possibly because there is no narration overlaying the music .
10 ‘ The answer is to stand off and let him play in front of you , rather than wrestling his way round the back . ’
11 They swatted aside every challenge that came their way with a direct , forceful brand of sevens based on impressive strength and fitness .
12 But a character ( in one of his films ) states that clawing your way to the top is very bad for the fingernails … and , basically , I am very laid-back person , anyway . ’
13 As in his previous adventure , the weed helped save him ; he made his way laboriously from tuft to tuft of the blackened reeds that thrust their way through the mud and ice .
14 He seems to have at least gained some contact with his thought-penetration circuits and this is confirmed by the smelly fumes of wood smoke and melting plastic that wriggle their way into the atmosphere of the carriage .
15 and you absolutely no knew nothing about producing plain bearings you were sitting in the chair and probably a guy that worked his way through the factory floor who knew the job inside out , he was still
16 For a number of shopaholics , however , that price turns out to be dizzyingly high — when shopping turns from a pleasure , or an occasional treat , into an uncontrollable obsession that chomps its way through the bank account , with sometimes disastrous effects .
17 In fact it may be a good idea to introduce a large catfish , for example , and one of the suckermouth catfish , like Hypostomus to clean up any of the uneaten food that finds its way to the bottom of the tank .
18 The sunlight that inched its way into the stale gloom shed a tactless illumination on the threadbare carpets , the worn seats , the peeling gilt decor .
19 We stopped and built a makeshift shelter to get away , as best we could , from snow that filtered its way through every opening to produce melt water that trickled coldly over us .
20 Sir Charles and Lady Dobson lived on Pacific Drive , a road that wound its way through the canyons , then doubled back towards the ocean to link , eventually , with the South Coast Expressway .
21 It was his gloriously struck header that arrowed its way into the top corner of Leeds ' net to settle that 4th round tie .
22 The worms can only live in compostable material so there 's no fear of them making a bid for freedom and eating their way through the vegetable patch .
23 ‘ I mean stand up slowly and make yer way to the back shop and we can all have a wee chat .
24 Coaches should plan to arrive at junction 21 of the M1 at 1pm to 1.30 and make their way to the rendezvous point .
25 The main advantage with this system would be that players from junior clubs could get noticed by selectors and make their way up the representative ladder without having to move clubs .
26 Now , although no bombs ever fell in the country district where they lived , from time to time the air raid warning sirens would sound and Sylvia 's mother would take her baby and make her way to the shelter at the bottom of the garden , remaining there until she heard the ‘ all-clear ’ .
27 ‘ I promise you we 'd be much better to go quietly back on to the road and make our way to the Fire Court . ’
28 We step past Calvin who doodles with a twig in the dust , and make our way towards the car .
29 We would descend to the basement and make our way through a maze of waist-high partitioning .
30 Later in the day the shelling ceased so Taff and I were able to get his kit together and make our way through the village to the farm and No. 6 Commando positions .
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