Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pron] [adj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Having reached the end of the second sentence , we have to decide whether to repeat what we have already written , or introduce something new as a contrast or relief .
2 Anybody who had seen or heard anything suspicious in the neighbourhood of her home on Tuesday 1st September was urged to contact Thames Valley CID .
3 Thus , it is contrary to natural justice to inform an individual of only one complaint against him if there are two , or to find him guilty of a different offence from the one he was actually charged with .
4 I think that here they were undertaking an additional obligation or rendering themselves liable to an increased detriment .
5 The program enables you to make designs , print them out , or transfer them direct to the E6000 console .
6 The reason is that there is nothing to put in — so please , if you have some news , or know something interesting about a member ( that can be published without attracting litigation ) let the editor know .
7 The brewers have until November to free up thousands of pubs by selling them or leasing them free of the tie .
8 It really is quite simple , but there are a few basic rules you must adhere to if you do n't want to flood the canal system or find yourself adrift in the middle of the night !
9 The memory of those sensitive hands , the clean square nails , the single white streak in his hair , would fill her mind with agony , and she would go on reading her book without taking in a word , or find herself deaf to the fact that the tape she was playing had long since finished .
10 Not even death can dismay or amaze me Fixed in the certainty of love unchanging .
11 When we got outside , I was n't sure whether to shut the door on the latch or leave it ajar for the nurse .
12 Mr Smith added : ‘ There was no enthusiasm for this Government , no admiration for their performance , no sense that after 13 years they had delivered the goods , fulfilled promises or proved themselves worthy of the trust of the nation . ’
13 I mean , just leaving it to the baby , or making it dependent on the baby 's survival .
14 Such agreement would not be fully enforceable : the court will not compel a partner to remain in the firm against his will , but an unwilling partner would have to choose between honouring his contract or laying himself open to an action for damages for breach of contract .
15 But there is a whole range of other situations where the opposite move is needed , where we need to stress that people can differ from us , for instance over proposals to give all children the same kind of education or to make everybody live in the same kind of house .
16 When , in the late 1920s , a critical backlash developed against films that made themselves vacuous in an attempt to match Hollywood styles , the only way people could think of doing it was to define British cinema as the opposite of Hollywood — abandoning melodrama and flamboyance for realism , restraint and understatement .
17 A ramp that made it possible for a disabled woman to get in and out of her home has been demolished by the local council .
18 It was this that made it possible for the whole of the cuckoo 's breeding cycle to be filmed , resulting in an early classic of wildlife photography , The Cuckoo 's Secret .
19 Like Unix , it started life as a development environment , and like Unix , it had intrinsic features that made it unsuitable as a production operating system .
20 The second fact is that Labour , despite the recession and its junking of almost all the policies that made it unelectable in the '80s , has not made a significant advance .
21 The county was overrun with underwood that made it impervious to the traveller .
22 It is certainly amongst the oldest of the European herbs , and it was its very pungency that made it popular with the palates of our tougher ancestors .
23 But from his impassive , narrow-eyed face it was impossible to gauge his thoughts ; like many Annamese he had the kind of boyish appearance that made it difficult for an American to estimate his age .
24 This is the idea that crime and deviance have positive qualities and consequences that make them necessary for the healthy functioning of society .
25 Lévi-Strauss accepted the traditional role of anthropology to ‘ explain' the differences of alien cultures in ways that make them recognisable as the same ‘ underneath ’ .
26 That things remain unconscious , not because you never knew about them , but because they 're never brought into the relevant connections with other things that make you conscious of the thing in the sense of seeing what 's in it for Mrs you know , reports .
27 These can be forms of avoidance that make it impossible for the couple to look at their marital problems .
28 but you would be the one that got it wrong at the end of the week if you did n't
29 If you wish to give a capital sum to ACET ( e.g. from an inheritance your have received ) or an amount of money that exceeds your taxable for the tax year of the gift , ACET can still get tax relief on your gift if you enter into a Deposited Covenant arrangement .
30 With our stage and our workshops , which are better than any theatre in the world , we are able to achieve really striking stage pictures ; and they have nothing to do with these modern productions that do everything contrary to the music .
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