Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 Inevitably in Addis Ababa he was busy for most of the day , writing his despatches , interviewing people or visiting his colleagues in the other Legations .
32 I would have loved to have stayed in her Boathouse despite the eight inch snail with head and horns buried in a roll of butter in the larder in the morning and his relatives ‘ who had a provoking way of paying nocturnal visits , and wandered between the wooden walls and the loosely fixed paper that decked the walls … ’ ; the family of mice and the ‘ sagacious hen ’ that laid her eggs in the corner of the hole in the wall designated as a cupboard .
33 The three-tined sai is a karate weapon that has its origins on the island of Okinawa .
34 In the case of suburban-type housing , the view of domestic life it ultimately reflects is a strongly traditional one that has its origins in the early development of industrial capitalism and the ensuing ideological split between ‘ public ’ and ‘ private ’ life developed by the Victorian bourgeoisie .
35 He gave the example of a two-year Community Skills course in a local college that drew its recruits from the special schools .
36 My father was still forced from time to time to act as an interpreter , but from now on he spent much more time at home , rather than meeting his friends in the cafés for a game of cards .
37 Not to be outdone the Wesleyan Methodists rejoiced in 1898 ‘ in the growing sense of kinship that marks our relations with the United States ’ , expressed their ‘ warmest sympathy ’ with America 's efforts to ‘ disburden suffering peoples of the pitiless and truculent misgovernments under which they have groaned ’ and rejoiced that ‘ In fusing together the two great divisions of the Anglo-Saxon race , the Churches have played the chief part although ’ , they added as a reprove to their more ‘ political ’ friends , the Baptists and Congregationalists , ‘ like their Lord , they do not cry nor uplift their voice in the highways of International politics ’ .
38 These are flying beetles that begin their lives in the soil as the familiar white or cream-coloured grubs , fat from feeding on plant roots , horny headed , usually brown in colour , very slow and sluggish moving and curled rather like a large letter C. There are several kinds , from the large cock chafer to the much smaller greenish rose chafer .
39 She saw the flowers gently swaying in the light breeze , the lichen-covered gravestones that hid their contents from the world , and was overcome with sadness .
40 The bitch that whelps her pups beyond the margins of village life has given birth to potentially feral dogs .
41 The software houses that hung their hats on the VM operating system , unable to believe that IBM would really squander one of the tiny handful of software jewels in its crown , and , 10 years ago , about the only operating system anywhere that offered the complete answer to the threat from Unix .
42 Following its independence from South Africa in March 1990 , Namibia established a Ministry of Information and Broadcasting with the aim of ensuring that the country 's media ‘ are free and able to fulfil their traditional roles of public enlightenment , education and entertainment , and also to imbue the Namibian people with a goal that reflects their aspirations towards the building of a healthy democracy ’ .
43 Following its independence from South Africa in March 1990 , Namibia established a Ministry of Information and Broadcasting with the aim of ensuring that the country 's media ‘ are free and able to fulfil their traditional roles of public enlightenment , education and entertainment , and also to imbue the Namibian people with a goal that reflects their aspirations towards the building of a healthy democracy ’ .
44 One remedy for the electronic pollution may be to reduce the power of the phones ' transmitters and instead have more of the receivers that pluck their signals from the air .
45 Marie Burch , who back in the old days jumped ship from the forerunner of Unix System Laboratories Inc to join the then-enemy Open Software Foundation as director , business area management , was one of those that lost their jobs in the Foundation 's recent reshuffle .
46 So do n't come to me offering shares , because I 'd rather die a pauper than soil my hands with the blood that 's on your money , and there 's the truth o n't .
47 In so doing she destroys the principle of control that kept her novels within the bounds of the generic traditions of British fiction .
48 The most common of these is the brown china mark moth , an insignificant little fellow that lays its eggs on the floating foliage of waterlilies and other aquatics .
49 The wind tugged at the banner-pole that carried his standard , outside at the turret , and made a dolorous creaking sound that accompanied his steps along the chilly corridor , and whined faintly in his ears even after he had closed the door and shut out the sound of the rain .
50 The Beverley Sisters classic ‘ Sisters ’ was naturally enough the song that introduced their voices to the world .
51 We can not settle the theory of life histories because we can not be sure whether cave organisms put more effort into reproduction than do their relatives at the surface ; nor can we be sure whether they have reduced metabolic rates , which makes it difficult to sort out the question of adaptation .
52 Certainly , the majority of today 's cars need far less skill to drive quickly than did their predecessors of the sixties and early seventies .
53 She had expected raucous laughter , giggling , cries of disappointment — anything but the total silence that struck her eardrums with the cold effectiveness of a block of ice applied to her nervous system .
54 It was a mighty effort to expand and complete a process of reform that had its roots in the New Deal .
55 The affiliated Hanbury bank in London merged in 1864 with another London bank of Quaker origins , Barnett , Hoare & Co. ; the new Barnetts , Hoares , Hanburys & Lloyd merged in turn with the main Lloyd bank of Birmingham in 1884 , bringing under one corporate roof connections that had their origins in the marriages more than a century before of the children of Sampson Lloyd II .
56 A final problem is that these substances may be taken up into the blood supply as it passes through the brain and carried to other parts of the body where they may have toxic effects that confound their effects on the nervous system .
57 Tony surprises an oncoming motorist by assuming a position that leaves his legs on the gravel road but takes the rest of him down among the lake-side vegetation .
58 The hens moved carefully about , picking their way on their spindly yellow legs , muttering comfortably to each other and darting their heads to the ground every so often in pursuit of something delicious .
59 The acquisition will allow Quatro to widen its product portfolio and develop its strengths in the clinical sector .
60 If his leaning is towards the physical side , or his leaning towards to biological side , to take chemistry , biology and physics , to take those subjects in the sixth form at A level , and then come straight to university and develop his inclinations in the way that he is here to do .
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